• Mar 30, 2025
  • 2:21 PM

Desert Truck Driving School Recognized in Nevada Veteran Supporter of the Month Ceremony

By Blake Boles 
CARSON CITY, NV (November 21st, 2016) — During a ceremony at the Governor’s Mansion, Desert Truck Driving School was honored as Nevada’s Veteran Supporter of the Month for November. The Veteran Supporter of the Month Award recognizes both active organizations and non-veteran Nevada community members that provide exceptional support to military stationed in Nevada, Nevada veterans, and their families. This program expands the Nevada Veteran of the Month Award (VOM) by shining a bright light on individuals who, while not serving in uniform, help veterans with no expectation of recognition or award. It also serves to recognize the contributions of organizations who donate their time and energy to improve the life of our veterans. The Veteran of the Month/Veteran Supporter of the Month Ceremonies are a part of Governor Brian Sandoval’s pledge to make Nevada “the most veteran and military friendly state in the nation.”  
The person who nominated DTDS, United State Coast Guard veteran Dan Ingalls, attests to the quality of training. Indeed, he went through the training himself. ” Making contact with the schools available in the Reno area, Desert Truck Driving School (DTDS) stood out,” says Ingalls. “Their competition made no effort to tout veteran assistance even in a veiled marketing ploy, let alone give any apparent extra effort or support to vets. The choice was easy and I signed up for the next available DTDS course.” Ingalls soon found out just how veteran friendly DTDS is. ” During the second week of training, I took an informal survey of how many students in the class were vets. The vast majority were veterans sitting in the class with me,” he said. 
The ceremony was open to the public and free to attend, as are many events hosted by NDVS. For more information on outreach efforts and available programs for veterans, visit http://veterans.nv.gov/benefits-and-services/veteran-of-the-month-program/, or call (702) 486-3830.