• Feb 16, 2025
  • 11:19 AM

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home (Boulder City)

Applications Now Being Accepted for the Crombie Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Training Academy

Click HERE for information, eligibility and application process.

SNSVH Receives Highest Ranking in 2022-2023 “Best Nursing Homes" Ratings by U.S. News & World Report

The award-winning Southern Nevada State Veterans Home (SNSVH) is located in Boulder City, Nevada, just outside of Las Vegas. It is a 180-bed skilled nursing facility serving eligible veterans, their spouse and Gold Star parents. It is State-owned and operated, receiving support from the Department of Veterans Affairs offering skilled nursing services and a variety of programs including Alzheimer’s and dementia care. The facility is rated above average with a 5-Star Quality Rating by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). SNSVH has also earned the highest ranking of “High Performing" in the 2022-2023 “Best Nursing Homes" ratings by U.S. News & World Report. 

What is Skilled Nursing Care?

Skilled nursing care provides 24-hour nursing care, seven days a week. It is more comprehensive than assisted living facility care. Residents have greater access to physicians, physical therapy, rehabilitation services, occupational therapy, speech therapy, mental health care, restorative care, palliative and hospice care, laboratory, pharmacy and clinical dietary services.

What Makes Our Veterans Home Different?

Care, Cost and Culture define the difference of a State Veterans Home. The Care team is experienced in supporting the history of military service experience of the residents and spouses. The Cost is considerably lower than the standard skilled nursing facility. The Culture of residing with fellow service members and family brings exceptional support to each resident.

Why a Veterans Home Versus a Community Nursing Home?

Care: Our Southern Nevada State Veterans Home has three regulatory agencies; the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the State of Nevada Health Division.  Together, these regulatory agencies ensure our veterans receive the best care possible in order to achieve the goal of maintaining or improving the physical and mental health of our residents.

Cost: The cost for a veteran to reside at the Southern Nevada State Veterans home is at $125 dollars a day.  The veteran pays for the stay from a variety of revenue sources, to include Medicare/Medicaid, VA compensation, pension, per diem, and private pay sources.  This cost compares to an average daily rate of $233-$345 charged by nearby facilities.

Culture: Veterans Homes are operated under a “Person-Centered Care” philosophy; incorporating resident preferences in decision making.  Residents play an active role in shaping decisions affecting their lives, not only improving operations but giving veterans, who were leaders in their military lives, the dignity of determining how their care will be provided.

Another important cultural aspect is community involvement.  We embrace family and community members into a shared partnership of supporting and caring for residents. We have almost as many volunteers as we do residents.  Additionally, where our clinical staff ensures a great quality of care, our volunteers help ensure a great quality of life with activities ranging from crafts to educational classes, and bingo, to outings in the local community, ice cream socials, and theatrical productions. More than 12,000 volunteer hours were logged during 2017.

About 75% of our veteran residents are male, whereas in a non-veteran home the inverse is true.  Instead of entering a residence and having to establish relationships with strangers, every new resident has a common tie with all others- the shared experience of service to nation and the bonds of comradeship.

To receive more information, please see contact information below. If you are interested in becoming a resident, please click HERE for the Application for Admission, download the form and mail to:

Southern Nevada State Veterans Home
Attention: Admissions
100 Veterans Memorial Drive
Boulder City, NV  89005

Phone: (702) 668-5806
Fax: (702) 332-6762

We hope to convey to you how special our Veterans Home is, primarily because of our team’s dedication to our mission. As a team, we all share the responsibility of “Serving Nevada’s Heroes" and we take that responsibility very seriously. We recognize that, as one of only two State Veterans Home in Nevada, we are somewhat unique. Our homes are not governed by a corporate board of directors demanding profits – we are about providing quality nursing care to Nevada’s heroes – our veterans, and we are proud to do just that!

This website contains many helpful resources such as:

Phone: (702) 332-6784
Fax: (702) 332-6762
100 Veterans Memorial Dr. Boulder City, NV 89005

Pursuant to NRS 449.101, neither the Southern nor Northern State Veterans Homes discriminate or permit discrimination in any form of its residents to include, without limitation, bullying, abuse or harassment on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or HIV status, or based on association with another person on account of that person’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or HIV status.

If a resident feels they have experienced prohibited discrimination, under the law they may file a complaint with the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health by calling 775-684-4200 or emailing dpbh@health.nv.gov.