• Feb 9, 2025
  • 10:05 AM

NDVS Leadership – Program Specialists

Aimee Green- Program Specialist - Suicide Prevention Program

Aimee Green is the Suicide Prevention Program Specialist for NDVS. She oversees the department's suicide prevention and mental health programs for veterans throughout Nevada, including the Governor's and Mayor's Challenges.

Contact: Greena@veterans.nv.gov

For more information on Suicide Prevention click HERE

Amanda Kehrer - Program Specialist - Education and Employment Program

Amanda Kehrer is a U.S. Navy veteran who serves as the Education and Employment Program Specialist for NDVS. She oversees the department's programs regarding benefits and services in the areas of employment and education for Nevada's veterans. She also conducts  outreach events to support transitioning military members returning to civilian life through the department's Nevada Veterans Transition Assistance Program (NVTAP).

Contact: kehrera@veterans.nv.gov 

For more information on Education and Employment, click HERE. For more information on NVTAP, click HERE.

Zaconia Turner - Program Specialist - Veterans Healthcare Champions Program

Zaconia Turner is the Healthcare Champions Program Specialist for NDVS. She oversees the department's outreach and education regarding exposure risk and assessment. She also oversees the department's programs aimed at supporting survivors and caregivers. Additionally, she manages the Veterans in Care (VIC) recognition program. Learn more about VIC HERE.

For information on Health and Wellness click HERE

Zaconia Turner may be reached at turnerz@veterans.nv.gov

Vacant- Women Veterans Service Officer

For more information on Women Veterans click HERE and for Minority and Unique Veterans click HERE

Vacant - Veterans Service Officer, LGBTQ Program

For more information on Women Veterans click HERE and for Minority and Unique Veterans click HERE