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Greetings fellow veterans and veteran supporters!
We are looking forward to the start of the Nevada Legislative Session on February 3, 2025. In preparation for the upcoming session, NDVS hosted a Veterans Legislative Summit a few weeks ago. One summit was held in Las Vegas on January 11th with a second summit held in Sparks on January 18th. These events provided our veterans community with the opportunity to come together to learn about the legislative process, how to get involved, and how to stay informed. The summit is held in partnership with the United Veterans Legislative Council. Approximately 200 veterans participated in this event this year! If you missed the summit, check out the information presented by clicking.
Speaking of the Nevada Legislature, we’re getting ready to host Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature, in partnership with the Nevada National Guard on Wednesday, March 19th. This day-long event provides military members, veterans and their families with the opportunity to meet with lawmakers and visit our State Capitol in Carson City. The day starts with coffee/donuts and mingling around the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records Building at 100 North Stewart Street in Carson City. The Opening Ceremony will be held in that location as well. The day includes static displays by the Nevada National Guard on the Capitol Grounds as well as military and veteran vendors who will be providing information about resources, services and programs of interest to the veterans’ community! The United Veterans Legislative Council will be pairing interested veterans with an Assemblymember or Senator so veterans may be honored and sit with their legislator on the floor of either the State Senate or Assembly! Go HERE to register for the Opening Ceremony. Go HERE to sit with your legislator! And don’t forget, NDVS is hosting a free catered lunch on the Legislative Grounds starting at noon. We hope to see you on March 19th!
Also in March is our 2025 Nevada Women Veterans Conference. I highly encourage women veterans to sign up by going HERE. This year, the annual event will be held in Reno at the National Automobile Museum on March 8th. This year’s theme is “Sisterhood & Reunion.” Discounted room rates are available on a first come, first served basis at the Renaissance using reference# M-UK277Z7.
Before I sign off, I wanted to announce a familiar face within Nevada’s Native American Community has joined our team. JJ Phoenix will support our outreach efforts to Native American veterans across the Silver State. Please read more about him in this new role at NDVS in this newsletter.
I realize I’m just brushing the surface of all the veteran-related activities and events coming up in the weeks ahead, but I wanted to get our NDVS-hosted events out in front so you may plan accordingly! I hope to see you at one of our events and I thank you for your continued support. I’m very grateful and honored to be of service to you and your family.
Warmest Regards,
Col. Mary Devine