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By George Ann Rice
If you’ve served in the U.S. military, you may want to consider a second career in education through the Patriots to Education Program! The program allows you to continue to make a difference to our country and in your community!
Many Nevada School Districts have a need to find good candidates for open positions. Whether for the current school year or next school year, there will be positions for teachers, career-technical teachers, paraprofessionals, social workers, school nurses, school safety officers, substitute teachers, skilled trades specialists, operations workers, bus drivers, and more!
In general, those who have served in the military (veterans, National Guard members, Reservists, and their spouses) have the following characteristics or skills:
How do you begin this new journey? First, take a look at the Patriots to Education website https://www.patriotstoeducation-nv.org
The website lists vacancies, the application process, and provides a direct contact for your questions for each Partner District. Remember, you can continue to make a difference!