• Mar 29, 2025
  • 11:56 PM

Resources and Information for Northern Nevada Senior Citizens

Alzheimer Association
Alzheimer Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada 

CARE Chest
For 30 years, CARE Chest has been a critical health resource for thousands of Northern Nevadans. Their free programs are designed to fill insurance gaps for underserved populations with: Medical Equipment and Supplies; Prescription Assistance; Diabetic Supplies; Medical Nutrition; Mobile CARE Chest; Rural Outreach; and Independent Living and CARE Loan.

Immunize Nevada
Immunize Nevada is offering flu shot clinics. For more information, visit the Immunize Nevada website.

Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program
Nevada Rural Counties Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provides well-trained volunteers that assist seniors and others in need with lifesaving services. Programs include door-to-door escorted transportation, companionship, respite care, no cost legal assistance, Farmer’s Market Coupons, critical food and medicine delivery, homemaker services, personal emergency response systems, Veterans resources and more. RSVP services help seniors to age in place, remain in their own homes for as long as possible, and avoid costly long-term institutional care.

Northern Nevada HOPES
HOPES is a community health clinic located in Reno, Nev. HOPES cannot test for COVID-19 at their clinic. When appropriate, HOPES patients will be referred to the Washoe County Health District for testing.

Senior Service Network (SSN)
The Senior Service Network is an experienced team of volunteers. Their mission is to have a positive impact on the quality of life of seniors by networking, sharing expertise, and staying current on issues important to the senior community. Through fundraising and community donations, they are able to serve as a safety net to seniors by providing a one time, emergency financial intervention to those in dire situations, when no other resource exists. Their program is available to anyone age 60 or older, however, consideration will be given to people under 60 that are receiving Medicare.