• Mar 28, 2025
  • 7:45 PM

Food Assistance is Available Across Nevada

List compiled by Senator Cortez-Masto’s Office

Fellow Nevadan,

I’m so proud of the way our communities have rallied over the last couple of months to help each other and make sure every Nevadan has access to basic necessities like food. Though our state is now reopening, many families are still in need of assistance as they recover from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. I want to make sure Nevadans have access to information about where to find food assistance. If you’re a parent, student or senior in need of food assistance, keep reading for more information and download my Disaster Resource Guide.

You should also take time to check your eligibility for SNAP benefits. And if you’ve lost your job as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, read more about how you can apply for unemployment insurance here.

As Nevada continues to reopen, school districts across the state are working to make sure students who rely on free and reduced meal programs at school still have access to food. “Grab and go” meals will continue being served to students at select locations throughout Northern and rural Nevada, and CCSD will continue to serve students at locations throughout Southern Nevada until June 30.

Organizations across the state, like the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, JAS Foundation Food Bank and Three Square Food Bank, will also continue services to provide food for those in need. Be sure to check out their websites for updates by visiting fbnn.org/jasfoundationllc.org/foodbank.html and threesquare.org/help for the latest information on emergency food distribution services.

Across Nevada, Meals on Wheels is helping older Nevadans stay healthy and safe by delivering meals to homebound seniors. To check on the status of your area’s Meals on Wheels program, call 1–888–998–6325 or visit mealsonwheelsamerica.org/find-meals.

Nevadans, know that I’ll keep working to make sure every person has the assistance they need as our state recovers. Visit my website to download my Disaster Resource Guide for information on food assistance programs and other resources. For Nevadans interested in how they can offer a helping hand, visit threesquare.org/how-to-help/volunteer or fbnn.org/get-involved/volunteer/.


Catherine Cortez Masto

333 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
P: (702) 388-5020
400 South Virginia Street
Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
P: (775) 686-5750
Serving Rural Nevada
P: (775) 225-1457
516 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
P: (202) 224-3542