• Mar 28, 2025
  • 6:22 PM

Caregivers Guide – Made Simple and Easy

Welcome Caregivers!

This Caregivers Resource page contains information, services, programs, support and more at your fingertips.

The Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS) applauds you for your dedication in caring for a loved one who has served in the U.S. military.  NDVS Caregivers & Survivors Guide Brochure (PDF)

The VA recognizes the importance in the role that caregivers provide. The VA has two programs for caregivers outlined below. Both programs fall under the umbrella of the VA’s Caregiver Support Program.

As a caregiver, you may be eligible for an array of benefits and services, from additional financial support to training, health care services, mental health counseling and more.

An NDVS Veterans Service Officer (VSO) can assist you in learning more about the benefits and resources available. Their service is free, and they will also help you file a claim to determine your eligibility. Find a VSO near you.

VA Caregiver Support Program

For a comprehensive list of caregiver support resources, visit VA Caregiver Support Services or call the VA Caregivers Support Line at 1-(855)-260-3274.

Are you in need of helpful ideas for coping and self-care? Listen to the VA Caregiver Support Line Telephone Education Group of the Month and access free handouts and resources.

The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers  focuses on the well-being of both the veteran needing assistance and his or her caregiver. The program provides education and training, respite care, mental health services, monthly stipend, travel payments, and more to approved family caregivers of qualified veterans with a serious injury that happened in the line of duty during any service era. As of October 1, 2022 this program expanded to make all era veterans eligible.

The Program of General Caregiver Support Services provides information/referral to in-home or support services, support groups, and other resources. It also provides education and training, peer support, mental health counseling and programs that focus on caregiver self-care.

The Department of Defense provides a comprehensive Caregiver Resource Directory.


Learn more about VA benefits, programs and resources available to caregivers.

This article from Military.com provides caregiver information in simple terms.

Financial Support

The benefits to eligible caregivers include a monthly stipend, travel reimbursement, aid & attendance and more. More caregiver information.

Aid & attendance is also available for veterans and survivors, who are eligible for a VA pension, and require the help and assistance of another person. This benefit also assists eligible homebound veterans and survivors through a monetary payment in addition to a VA pension.

This web page Getting Paid as a Caregiver by VA and the Veteran Aid Guide explain how to apply.

Health Care Services

Benefits for caregivers of a veteran include a wide array of health care services such as counseling, mental health counseling, assisted living, skilled nursing, hospice and adult medical day care.

Benefits also include home-based care.

More VA In-Home & Support Services.

Caregivers Self-Care and Support

One of the best things you can do for those who depend on you is take care of yourself. The VA offers several Care for Caregivers support services.

Training and Support

VA monthly presentations as well as handouts are available ranging from dealing with burn out and guilt to building strong relationships and dealing with conflict.

Skilled Nursing Care

The Nevada Department of Veterans Services oversees two award-winning skilled nursing care facilities:

Additional Resources

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

VA Caregiver Support (855) 260-3274

The VA's Caregiver Support line offers resources, including connecting with a Caregiver Support Coordinator.

VA Caregiver Support Coordinators – Nevada

    • VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System
      Reno VA Medical Center
      975 Kirman Ave., Reno, NV 89502

(775) 328-1461

  • VA Southern Nevada Health Care System
    6900 North Pecos Road. North Las Vegas, NV 89086
    (702) 791-9000 ext.13051
  • VA Salt Lake City Health Care System (serving veterans living in eastern Nevada)
    George E. Wahlen VA Medical Center
    500 Foothill Drive
    Salt Lake City, UT 84148
    (801) 582-1565 Ext. 1520
  • Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services Program (VD-HCBS): For Veterans living in eastern Nevada served by the VA Salt Lake City, provides self-directed home care and budget for services needed. VD-HCBS Program Coordinator: Julie Larsen, LCSW – 801-582-1565 Ext. 2492; julie.larsen@va.gov

Programs for Military Caregivers

Nevada Programs

National Organizations

Join NDVS Network

Connect with Nevada’s veteran community by signing up for NV Vet Net on the NDVS website.

View the resources shared during the NDVS Caregiving on the Homefront virtual conference on Aug. 20, 2020.

Visit the NDVS Survivor resource page for more information.