• Mar 14, 2025
  • 12:42 AM

Message from the Director – September 2020

Message from the Director

To my fellow veterans, families, and veteran advocates:

As we head into September, NDVS is in the midst of updating our Strategic Plan.  The goals and objectives we develop now will chart NDVS’ path for the next year and beyond.  I am always energized by this process!  There is so much work to do and to be excited about as we continue the Department’s 77-year history of serving Nevada’s heroes.

This past month we held a very successful virtual “Caregiving on the Homefront” virtual conference with more than 90 attendees.  Our wonderful speakers shared important information and insights that many attendees found extremely valuable.  We have outlined more of these events in our updated NDVS Strategic Plan, events that we believe will address the greatest needs of Nevada’s veterans and their families.  If you have ideas about information events we should conduct in the future, I would love to hear them!

In 2021, the Nevada Legislature will be in session, which is always a busy time for us in terms of tracking proposed legislation and testifying about potential impacts. We will start reviewing bill draft information in the next few months. Expect to see articles in this newsletter as we give you all the information you'll need to prepare for the legislative session.

While most positive COVID-19 residents and staff members in our State Veterans Homes have recovered, we remain dedicated to adhering to all CDC guidelines to keep our staff and residents safe and healthy. If you go out in public, please do your part by helping limit community spread by wearing a face covering, physical distancing and washing your hands often.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with family, friends, and comrades; we all need each other now more than ever.  Next year, we hope to once again host NDVS in-person events to share vital information and listen to your ideas and concerns s face-to-face.  Until then, please take care of yourself, your families and each other.


Kat Miller