• Mar 28, 2025
  • 6:36 PM

Uploads – Send a Smile

Community members and families of residents, including extended families, nieces, nephews, grandkids, etc. please help us keep the residents' spirits up during COVID visitation restrictions.

Send a Smile by uploading videos or pictures for veteran residents at the Southern and Northern Nevada State Veterans Homes. We will compile these files to run on the closed-circuit TV at the Homes for all to see. We will update as new files are uploaded, so there is no deadline.

Veterans organizations, community service and youth groups – you are all invited to participate in Send a Smile! Please use the upload information below to submit your videos, photos and/or artwork.

  • If your child and/or children would like to share their artwork with the residents, please upload a photo of them holding their sign or drawing. (JPG)
  • If your family would like to share a video (it can be less than a minute long), please upload the file using Dropbox form below. (MOV)
  • Photo uploads are also welcome using the form below. (JPG)

All uploaded files must be 100MB or less and standard file formats (JPG; MOV). Here are some ideas for video talking points and artwork content. Overall we are looking for upbeat, positive messages to lift the spirits of residents and staff, such as:

  • We are thinking of you and sending you our love and support.
  • With limited access to each other during this time, just wanted to let you know that you are remembered and appreciated.
  • Thank you for your service.
  • What you have sacrificed in service of our country is remarkable and won’t be forgotten.
  • To the staff, thank you for your unwavering commitment to keep the residents safe and healthy. Your strength during this time is amazing.

We ask that you please submit all uploads using the form below as we are not able to accept files through email or text. If you have any questions or problems with uploads, please contact pio.ndvs@veterans.nv.gov.

PLEASE upload a photo or video file, not just a text message.

The easiest way to upload is to click the the “browse files" button below, then select the file you want to upload.