• Mar 14, 2025
  • 5:38 AM

Notice on Vehicle Tax Exemptions for 2020

The Governmental Services Tax Exemptions for Vehicle Registrations are a popular benefit used by many veterans in the State. As a result of the pandemic DMV offices were impacted and closed. These exemptions for Veterans’ vehicle registrations are based on a fiscal year that runs from July 1 – June 30.  (See NRS 371.103 and NRS 371.104)  If a vehicle registration expired during the COVID related closure period of March 12 thru June 30, 2020 and was not renewed on the DMV’s website or via self-service kiosk when it was due, veterans will need to present the DMV with a written statement from their county assessor’s office stating their prior year’s exemption number and the exemption amount in order for the DMV to apply the exemption.  Late fees may apply if the registration renewal could have been completed on the DMV’s website or via self-service kiosk.

Some assessors are allowing the prior fiscal year’s exemption for vehicle registrations expiring between March 12 and June 30, 2020 and some are not.  Veterans are encouraged to check with their county assessor’s office on their policies.  In some counties the county recorder calculates the amount of the exemption rather than the assessor.  A list of Nevada county assessors and their locations can be found on the DMV’s website at https://dmvnv.com/assessor.htm. In no case can the veteran claim last fiscal year’s exemption and the current fiscal year’s exemption on the same vehicle registration in the same year.

The DMV is happy to assist veterans who have been affected by this unforeseen consequence of the 2020 COVID pandemic closures.  However, this applies only to registrations that expired between March 12 and June 30, 2020.  Veterans will be required to renew their registration on time and claim their exemption during the correct fiscal year from July 1, 2020 forward.