• Mar 14, 2025
  • 5:40 AM

COVID-19 and Our State Veterans Homes

Our State Veterans Homes’ team members continue to superbly care for our residents around-the-clock. The rise of COVID-19 cases in our Nevada communities continues to pose significant challenges and while the news of a vaccine is promising, the threat to our residents and team members remains very real. Sadly, a 90-year-old resident of the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home (SNSVH) died this past month of COVID-19 related complications. In October, the U.S. Army veteran was admitted to a local hospital for an unrelated condition. Prior to admission to the hospital, the veteran tested negative for COVID-19. Upon discharge from the hospital and return to SNSVH, the veteran tested positive for COVID-19, was placed into the COVID isolation Heroes Unit without severe symptoms and days later passed away.

“On behalf of the entire Nevada Department of Veterans Services team, we offer our deepest condolences to the family of this honored Veteran,” said NDVS Director Kat Miller. “This loss is deeply felt by this Veteran’s many friends at the Home.”

As of November 19, five residents and five staff members at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home (SNSVH) have tested positive for COVID-19, and three staff members at the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home (NNSVH) tested positive.

“Both State Veterans Homes have experienced an increase in cases during the past month, reflecting the community spread of the virus throughout the State,” said Miller. “The teams at both Homes remains committed to following all protocols to stop the spread of this disease and are focused on providing quality resident care.”

During November, several veterans organizations and community service groups provided special donations to both State Veterans Homes, with some planning special gifts in December, such as stockings and lap blankets.

“While we are very careful to follow all federal and state guidelines when receiving donations, our State Veterans Homes truly appreciate the community support they have received, which lifts the spirits of both residents and staff,” said NDVS Deputy Director Amy Garland. “The Raiders Foundation, Southern Nevada Honor Flight, Carson Country Bowling Association, students at Mendive Middle School in Sparks, Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Sierra Nevada Chapter 989 and many, many others have graciously given their time and energy to support our State Veterans Homes.”

The State Veterans Homes are testing all residents and staff weekly unless the community COVID-19 prevalence increases above 10 percent in their respective counties, Clark and Washoe. Then, tests will occur more frequently.

Resident testing is limited to admission observation units and residents who frequently go out of the facility on appointments. This change is in compliance with guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published August 26, 2020. If any residents test positive, they are placed in isolation. If staff members test positive, they self-quarantine at home.

COVID-19 phone lines at both Homes provide the latest information: SNSVH (702) 332-6705 and NNSVH (775) 418-5026. For more information and resources on Nevada’s response to COVID-19, please visit nvhealthresponse.nv.gov.