• Mar 28, 2025
  • 10:25 AM

Legal Services

Many veterans face a variety of legal issues or have questions and/or concerns over legal matters. There are many resources available to assist you with this, see some resources below.

The Nevada Attorney General’s Office of Military Legal Assistance (OMLA) provides pro bono legal assistance and representation to active duty, reserve and National Guard service members in a wide area of civil law matters. The OMLA also currently provides assistance to veterans with wills and powers of attorney. The OMLA is the first ever, attorney general-led program offering our military communities’ access to pro bono civil legal services. Additionally, the program seeks to educate Nevada’s communities and create policy aimed at addressing issues affecting our state’s military families. The OMLA is a comprehensive, statewide program combining the joint efforts of legal aid organizations, private sponsors and the State Bar of Nevada to address the need for affordable legal representation in our military communities. For additional information and assistance visit: www.nvagomla.nv.gov

The mission of Nevada Legal Services is to strengthen the community by ensuring fairness and providing equal access to justice for low-income Nevadans.

Nevada Legal Services works directly with Veterans in regard to benefits and provides legal support and representation. Nevada Legal Services serves those in need across Nevada with offices located in Las Vegas, Reno, Elko, and Carson City. For more information visit their website nlslaw.net. To find a local office phone number visit: nlslaw.net/contact/

Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada is a nonprofit law firm dedicated to providing direct legal representation, counsel and advice and community legal education to those who cannot afford an attorney. The Center has a wide variety of programs to help victims of domestic violence and crime, victims of consumer fraud and children in the foster care system. For additional information and assistance visit www.lacsn.org

The State Bar of Nevada supports the promotion of access to justice in Nevada through the delivery of legal services to those in need. If you are in need of legal assistance, but cannot afford a lawyer, a Nevada legal aid provider or pro bono legal services may be available to you, for additional information visit: https://www.nvbar.org/lawyerreferral/pro-bono-for-the-public/

The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program was created in 1992, with a dual mission: to provide assistance to unrepresented veterans or their family members who have filed appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (Court); and to recruit and train attorneys in the then fledgling field of veterans’ law.

Each appellant who requests Pro Bono Program assistance receives a thorough review of his or her appeal. An appellant whose case is not accepted by the Program receives substantive legal advice about his or her case and an explanation as to why the Pro Bono Program cannot place the appeal with a volunteer attorney.

For volunteer attorneys, the Consortium teaches a one-day class in veterans’ law. Every attorney who receives training and accepts a case from the Consortium receives an analysis of the case prepared by the Consortium’s veterans’ law specialists. Each attorney also receives extensive research materials published by LexisNexis (including the latest version of the Veterans Benefits Manual and a CD-ROM with an on-line research capability), as well as the assignment of a mentoring attorney to provide advice and assistance during the course of the appeal.