• Jul 15, 2024
  • 9:39 PM

Nevada’s Fallen Heroes – Iraq

The groundwork to the War in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) began in October of 2002 with a Congressional resolution authorizing the U.S. President to go to war to disarm Iraq. In November of that same year, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1441, giving Iraq a final chance to comply. Military action began in March 2003. By April 2003, coalition forces took Baghdad. The White House declared the regime gone. By December of 2003, Saddam Hussein was captured. He was eventually tried and put to death. In November of 2004, the US and the new Iraqi forces battle insurgents and declare Falluja liberated. The number of US forces continues to increase from 2004 through 2008 when US troops reductions began. In September 2010, Operation Iraqi Freedom is renamed Operation New Dawn to reflect the reduced US troop role. The Iraq War ended in December of 2011, marking an end of the almost nine-year war.

LCPL Donald Cline- USMC- 23 MAR 2003
2LT Frederick Pokorney- USMC- 23 MAR 2003
CPL William Salazar- USMC- 15 OCT 2004
PFC John Lukac – USMC – 30 OCT 2004
LCPL Nicolas Anderson – USMC – 12 NOV 2004
PFC Daniel Guastaferro – Army – 01 JUL 2005
LCPL Richard Perez – USMC RES – 10 FEB 2005
SGT Eric Morris – Army – 28 APR 2005
CPL Stanley Lapinski – Army – 11 JUN 2005
CPL Jesse Jaime – USMC – 15 JUN 2005
SPC Anthony Cometa – Army NG – 16 JUN 2005
2LT James Cathey – USMC – 21 AUG 2005
CPL Joseph Martinez – Army – 27 AUG 2005
PFC Thomas Siekert – Army – 6 DEC 2005
PVT Joshua Morberg – Army – 27 DEC 2005
SGT Gordon Misner II – Army – 22 FEB 2006
CPL Shawn Lasswell Jr. – Army – 23 APR 2006
SPC Teodoro Torres – Army RES – 5 MAY 2006
1SG Carlos Saenz – Army RES – 5 MAY 2006
SSG Emmanuel Legaspi – Army – 7 MAY 2006
PFC David Crombie – Army – 7 June 2006
SPC Ignacio Ramirez – Army – 9 AUG 2006
LCPL Jeremy Long – USMC – 10 AUG 2006
PFC Phillip Williams – Army – 9 OCT 2006
SGT Kenneth Bostic – Army – 30 OCT 2006
1LT Nathan Krissoff – USMC – 9 DEC 2006
LCPL Raul Bravo – USMC – 3 MAR 2006
SGT Anthony Schober – Army – 12 MAY 2006
PFC Alexander Varela – Army – 19 MAY 2007
PFC Joshua Modgling – Army – 19 JUN 2007
SPC Travis Virgadamo – Army – 30 AUG 2007
SSG Michael Townes – Army – 16 SEP2007
SSG Alfred Paredez – Army – 20 NOV 2007
SSG Sean Gaul – Army – 9 JAN 2008