• Feb 7, 2025
  • 2:42 PM

A Promise Kept to 13 Veterans at Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Fernley

By Terri Hendry
(Fernley, NV) The Nevada Veterans Coalition is making sure a promise is kept. Last month the remains of 13 unclaimed veterans were brought to their final resting place at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery.

The veterans received a military burial December 8th with approximately 100 people attended in order to pay their respects. This was the sixth “Missing in America” mission by the Nevada Veterans Coalition, to ensure the veterans receive the honor and burial earned through their military service. According to the Nevada Veterans Coalition the names of the veterans are as follows:

Thomas Anderson (1920 – 1977) served in the US Army 1940 – 1945 WWII
James Betancourt (1926 – 1993) served in the US Navy 1944 – 1944 WWII
John Bohm (1925 – 1979) served in the US Navy 1942 – 1946 WWII
James Brady (1915 – 1972) served in the US Army 1942 – 1946 WWII
Joe Brown (1905 – 1987) served in the US Army 1942 – 1944 WWII
Dale Carrigan (1950 – 1986) served in the US Army 1968 – 1970 Vietnam
George Carson (1917 – 2004) served in the US Army 1944 – 1946 WWII
Paul Cole (1937 – 1997) served in the USAF 1954 – 1962 Korean
Willie Crumpler (1902 – 1977) served in the US Army 1942 – 1943 WWII
Howard Davis (1909 – 1990) served in the US Army 1944 – 1946 WWII
Edgar Erickson (1920 – 1992) served in the US Army 1940 – 1945 WWII
Sherwood Jerome (1926 – 1992) served in the US Army 1944 – 1954 WWII
Clyde Matthews (1906 – 1990) served in the US Navy/US ARNG 1926-1936/1940-1943 WWII

The Coalition expresses thanks to Walton’s Funerals and Cremations for providing a database which Coalition members were able to work, as well as the National Personnel Records Center and their team of researchers.

The Coalition also thanks the members who spent countless volunteer hours doing research. Additionally, the Coalition thanks its Honor Guard and various others who served as escorts.

Finally, the Coalition would also like to thank the staff at Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery for guiding the Coalition through the proper procedures to get the veterans home, fulfilling a promise. Read more about the ceremony in the news article below:
