• Mar 30, 2025
  • 2:09 PM

April 2022 – Veteran of the Month/Veteran Supporter of the Month

Before we announce and celebrate the Veteran of the Month and Veteran Supporter of the Month recipients for April 2022, we want everyone to know we are in the planning stages for a big ceremony to honor all northern Nevada recipients who missed their in-person ceremony due to COVID-19. The ceremony is planned for Tuesday April 26, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Old Assembly Chambers in Carson City. We will have more information available in the coming weeks!  

As for this month, we congratulate Jack Ford for being named Veteran of the Month (VOM) and the Nevada Veterans Assistance League for being recognized as Veteran Supporter for the Month (VSM) for April 2022. 

Ford is an Army Air Corp and Navy Veteran who is an active member of the veterans’ community in the Las Vegas Valley. He volunteers at the VA Southern Nevada Medical Center several days a week and has in the past held leadership positions with the American Legion. In his capacity as a leader in the American Legion, he helps to mentor Post Officers across the region.  He has also helped support his chapter’s efforts in supporting the Adopt a Family program at Nellis Air Force Base. In his personal time Mr. Ford has also led efforts to have his homeowner's association create Veterans Memorials at local community centers.  

The Nevada Veterans Assistance League (NVAL) is a southern Nevada community organization who is the lead community supporter of the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home (SNSVH). Over the past several years, members have helped by providing equipment and recreational opportunities, such as wheelchair batteries, wireless door openers, comfort items, recreational outings, and much more to improve the quality-of-life for veterans at the home.  NVAL is also an active partner and sponsor of the annual SNSVH Resident Olympics. This week-long celebration invites residents of the home to compete in fun and challenging competitions and participants are recognized at a closing ceremony followed by a celebration. The support of the Nevada Veterans Assistance League has helped ensure a superb quality-of-life for the residents of the SNSVH.  

Jack Ford

Nevada Veterans Assistance League

Due to the risk of coronavirus exposure, special ceremonies to honor and recognize the VOM and VSM are postponed until it is safe to resume them once again.

Veteran of the Month – Guidelines and Nomination Form

The Veteran of the Month (VOM) award recognizes Nevada veterans who contribute their time and energy to support veterans, their communities and/or the military. View the VOM guidelines and nomination form.

Veteran Supporter of the Month – Guidelines and Nomination Form

The Veteran Supporter of the Month (VSM) Award recognizes both active organizations and non-veteran Nevada community members that provide exceptional support to military stationed in Nevada, Nevada veterans, and their families. View for VSM guidelines and nomination form.