• Feb 23, 2025
  • 6:13 PM

Army and Air Force Exchange Services to Expand Online

By Chuck Baker 
(Las Vegas, NV) – Military retirees and others who are privileged to be customers of the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) might think post exchanges will be getting more crowded because reports say some 15 million more honorably discharged veterans will soon be granted shopping opportunities through the service. But that’s only part of the story. 
The physical base exchanges made of brick and mortar won’t be seeing a rush of new men and women buyers seeking merchandise. After four years of coordination with the Department of Defense, AAFES, and other federal agencies, it was agreed to extend online shopping privileges to all honorably discharged veterans beginning this coming Veterans Day, November 11.  
In a statement published in Army Echoes, the official newsletter for retired soldiers, surviving spouses and families, AAFES Director/CEO Tom Shull said his organization “is honored to offer this well-deserved benefit to those who raised their right hands, took the oath and served our nation with honor.” He continued, “There are many generations of service members who have not been properly recognized for their sacrifices. The Veterans Online Shopping Benefit acknowledges their service and welcomes them home.” 
The impetus for expanding buying benefits is rooted both in service to veterans as well as in capitalism. Allowing online shopping to all honorably discharged veterans is expected to directly improve family and support programs. And the additional sales activity that will be generated is expected to increase earnings by tens of millions of dollars. The additional income will be used for quality-of-life programs for the military community, including contingency operations, Army child development centers, youth services and fitness centers, Air Force outdoor recreation, combat uniforms and other benefits and services. 
Continuing his comments in Army Echoes, Shull noted that “AAFES, along with its sister exchanges, is ensuring America’s veterans are honored for their service and recognized as Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Sailors for life. We look forward to welcoming our veterans home this Veterans Day and every day thereafter.”