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Click here to see a list of past Veteran of the Month Recipients
The Veteran of the Month award recognizes Nevada veterans who contribute their time and energy to support veterans, their communities and/or the military.
The award shines a bright light on the work veterans continue to do for the good our state and nation.
The program is managed by the Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS) and we continue to ask for your help in nominating possible candidates so we may recognize veterans who contribute time and effort for the betterment of our state and the veteran community. Submissions will be reviewed and chosen by the members of the Veterans Service Commission (VSC) at its quarterly meetings.
Note: If possible, it is optimal if the Nomination Packet includes a photo of the nominee.
Nomination Packets may be filled out online, saved, printed, signed and mailed to:
Nevada Department of Veterans Services
Veteran of the Month
Attn: Nevada Department of Veterans Services
Nevada Department of Veterans Services
9400 Gateway Drive, Suite A
Reno, NV 89521
Completed Packets may also be scanned and emailed to pio.ndvs@veterans.nv.gov