• Mar 29, 2025
  • 8:09 PM

Changes at Nevada Veteran Memorial Cemeteries

Changes at Nevada Veteran Memorial Cemeteries

Changes at Nevada Veteran Memorial Cemeteries The COVID-19 crisis is impacting the way we and other veterans’ cemeteries across the country are conducting business. If you have lost a loved one during this time, please know, our hearts are with you. We will work with you to honor your loved one and keep everyone safe from exposure to the virus. Please see the changes at the cemetery below.


The State Veteran Memorial Cemeteries are proceeding with all currently scheduled casket interment services as direct burials only. Future scheduled casket interments that cannot be postponed will be scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. These casket interments will be direct placement only with immediate family to witness (up to 10 people only). Some organizations are offering minimal honor ceremonies; currently only a two-person flag folding ceremony. For details contact your funeral home or one of our cemetery superintendents. Full services and military honors can be held elsewhere or scheduled later.

We appreciate those families who have agreed to postpone interments and will reach out to them to schedule interments and memorial services once this situation resolves. You may contact cemetery staff by phone or email:

Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery (702) 486-5920, extension 221 or email naylorc@veterans.nv.gov

Northern Nevada State Veterans Memorial Cemetery (775) 575-4441, extension 25 or email velasquezj@veterans.nv.gov