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By Chuck N. Baker
(RENO) — S.E.E.4vets, a veterans advocacy group, has established a promising foothold for transitioning military servicemembers in Arizona. Recently the Scottsdale-based organization has expanded into other western states, including Nevada. It has granted a $20,000 endowment for a scholarship program to Nevada’s Veterans Upward Bound program at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC). This funding will support qualified U.S. military veterans who want to continue their education at TMCC.
S.E.E.4Vets is an acronym for Support Education and Employment for Vets.
It is an eight-year-old nonprofit, dedicated to helping veterans complete their education and find success in civilian life. Directed mostly by retired military members, S.E.E.4Vets works through community colleges in the western United States to find transitioning military members that other programs might miss.
Robert Hernandez, director of the Veterans Upward Bound program, explained the S.E.E. donation, as well as another recent donation from Washoe County, will be used to establish an endowment for veterans to attend the college.
“We deal with low-income and first-generation veterans,” he said. “S.E.E. has consistently given us money, but the $20,000 will allow us to award scholarships.”
Hernandez said eligible student veterans will have to meet established criteria to be considered for the scholarships, which are funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The Veterans Upward Bound program is free for qualified honorably discharged veterans who need support in preparing for success in their post-secondary education and training. The organization offers a wide range of services and activities designed to help locate and maximize success at the community college.
Some of the programs include college preparation fand tutoring for math and English skills improvement. These preparation courses include instruction in science, foreign languages, computer skills, study skills, and financial literacy. The program also provides preparation for academic placement exams, individualized career assessment, application assistance, financial aid, and veterans education benefits. Veterans may also receive advisement and assistance with college admission and enrollment steps as well as access to other resources.
In addition to the S.E.E. donation, Hernandez said Washoe Commissioner Jeanne Herman arranged for a $2,500 donation to Upward Bound. “She told us she likes what we’re doing with veterans.” Herman represents District 5, the largest district in Washoe County, consisting of almost 5,827 square miles, and home to many veterans.
Hernandez said Herman’s donation will allow his organization to award small stipends to student veterans while they attend classes. He said all donations go to veterans who need help in certain areas, such as math or writing. When students complete established criteria, they receive a bag with items to further help them achieve their goals. He explained, “Things like an iPad, a calculator, you know, tools they need in college,” said Hernandez. Herman’s donation will help pay for those items.
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