• Mar 24, 2025
  • 3:44 AM

Veterans Service Organization Registry

Welcome to the Nevada Veterans Service Organization Registry! In accordance with NRS 417.090 1(k): “Create and maintain a registry of governmental agencies and private entities that provide services and resources to veterans, service members and their families and publish a digital copy of the registry on the Internet website maintained by the Department." Read the NDVS policy (PDF) about supporting Veterans Services Organizations and information about being listed on this page. To be listed on this page, please complete the Veterans Service Organization Registry online form which will be submitted to pio.ndvs@veterans.nv.gov.


(alphabetical order)

Air Force Association, Thunderbird Chapter

Mission: To promote dominant U.S. Air and Space Forces as the foundation of a strong National Defense; to honor and support our Airmen, Space Force Professionals, and their Families; and to remember and respect our enduring Heritage.

To accomplish this, we:

  • EDUCATE the public on the critical need for unrivaled aerospace power and a technically superior workforce to ensure national security
  • ADVOCATE for aerospace power, and promote aerospace and STEM education and professional development
  • SUPPORT readiness for the Total Air and Space Forces, including Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, civilians, families and members of the Civil Air Patrol

Thunderbird Chapter, AFA
PO Box 9749
Nellis AFB, Nevada 89191

Contact: nv189.Thunderbird@afa.org or (702) 498-3045

Website: http://www.afalasvegas.org/

Meeting Times:
Varies and location varies; please email us to be added to our mailing list

Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 1252

Membership is open to all active duty, veterans, retirees and family members of all services.
We lobby on capital hill for the benefits and interests of the military member and their families. Our voice is stronger and louder with the more members we have so join today at www.hqafsa.org

Meeting times: 2nd Wed of the month, 3 pm

Meeting Locations:

Community Commons
4311 N Washington Blvd #101
Nellis AFB, Nevada 89191

(702) 340-5677

email: nellisafsa1252@gmail.com

Armed Forces Chamber

The Armed Forces Chamber is America's first Chamber with military inspired operations with the mission to recruit, train and equip Armed Forces members ready to serve, lead and succeed in business. Buying or creating a business, and knowing about competitive advantage and financing options for small businesses can be challenging. Being able to have resources and guidance is a great way to start, which is what the Armed Forces Chamber provides.

Armed Forces Chamber
P.O. Box 34572
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133

Contact: info@ArmedForcesChamber.com or (702) 518-8847

Website: https://www.armedforceschamber.com/

Meeting Times:
Business Expo: Armed Forces Day from 0900H-1400H (Annually)
Business Awards Banquet: Armed Forces Day from 1800H-2100H (Annually)
Luncheons: 3rd Thursdays from 1200H-1300H (Quarterly)
Mixers: 3rd Thursdays from 1800H-2000H (Monthly)

American Legion - Department of Nevada and Posts

American Legion Department of Nevada
737 Veterans Memorial Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Contact: taldon737@aol.com or (702) 382-2353

Meeting Times:
Department Executive Meetings are held yearly in November and February.
Department Convention is held yearly in June.
Meeting Location:
Locations are presented and voted on yearly in June at the Department Convention.

American Legion Post 8
733 N. Veterans Memorial Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Contact: talarcpost8@gmail.com or (702) 372-8533

Meeting Times:
Every 3rd Tuesday of each month for general membership and every 1st Tuesday of the month for post executive board.
Meeting Location:
733 N. Veterans Memorial Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

American Legion Paradise Post 149
Description: Post 149 was chartered in 1995 and has grown into more than 300 members. We are a Post that does things a bit differently than others, and as such, prefer to work alone to support the Aims and Purposes of the American Legion. We have built a reputation of being highly involved in the community, and the go-to Post to get things done. Yes, the majority of us are leather-clad motorcycle riders, but we are American Legionnaires, helping our fellow Veterans. We are proud that we are a group of young-minded Veterans, looking forward to support our community. Our success is by helping our community as Veterans, Still Serving America. If you fit with us, we're glad to have you, if not, there are other Posts in the area that may suit your needs.

Contact: info@post149.org or (702) 606-4633

Meeting Times:
2nd Sunday of each month at 0930.

Meeting Location:
Leatherneck Club Bar and Galley
4360 Spring Mountain Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

American Legion Capital Post 4

American Legion Post 4 Meets at Veterans Memorial Hall (small kitchen and no bar – alcohol)

Post 4 meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except July) Social hour begins at 6:15 pm with meetings at 7:00 pm

Meeting location:
Veterans Memorial Hall
100 W 2nd Street
Carson City, Nevada 89701

Phone: 775-885-6520

Website: https://capitolpost4carsoncitynv.com

Email: Capitalpost4@gmail.com

The meeting location could change sometime in 2023 when the building is scheduled to be renovated.

American Legion Spirit of Freedom Post 76

General membership meetings are held at 1:30pm on the third Sunday of the month at the Humana Center.

P.O. Box 34012
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133

(702) 845-6234

Email: nvpost76@gmail.com

American Veterans (AMVETS)

Mission: To enhance and safeguard the entitlements for all American Veterans who have served honorably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communities where they live through leadership, advocacy and services.

Website: https://amvets.org/

Charlie-Mike Foundation

Our Mission is: “Connecting veterans with skilled local resources committed to creating a personalized path for their successful transition as they embark on their next mission”.

Charlie-Mike Foundation is a veteran owned non-profit organization focused on helping current and transitioning veterans in their civilian life through personalized plans, mentored support, and by connecting veterans with skilled resources. In addition to our main focus, we also help qualifying veterans through emergency financial assistance.

Website: https://charliemikefoundation.org/

Contact Email: contact.us@charliemikefoundation.org

8945 W. Russell Road
Suite # 150
Las Vegas, Nevada 89148
United States

Meeting Location:
8945 W. Russell Road
Suite # 150
Las Vegas, Nevada 89148
United States
Map It

Meeting Hours:
Open hours
Monday – Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm

No scheduled public meetings at this time.
Walk-ins encouraged

Phone: (855) 939-3267

David J. Drakulich Foundation

David J. Drakulich Foundation seeks opportunities to serve veterans and military families through the arts. Current programs include Combat Paper Nevada (making paper from military uniforms and other types of fabric); Veterans Art Project and Northern Nevada Veterans Writing Project in collaboration with VASNHCS, held at American Legion Post 30, 730 4th St, Sparks, NV 89431; contact Kari Fritz to register: kari.fritz@va.gov. Currently, we are taking registrations for the Fun-demental Art Courses held at Artech, 130 Woodland Avenue, Reno, NV 89523. Contact tina@djdfoundation.org for more information.

Website: https://arthealswarwounds.com

10450 Fort Churchill Road
Reno, Nevada 89508
United States

Contact: Tina Drakulich
Phone: (775) 313-2607
Email: tina@djdfoundation.org

Contact: Rob Garrett
Phone: (775) 223-5624

Contact: Luana Ritch
Phone: (775) 250-5739
Email: ljritch@charter.net

Meeting Details:
Beginning January 2023, Combat Paper Nevada will meet every 2nd Saturday from 12-2 PM with opportunities to begin paper-making projects immediately after.

Meeting Address:
130 Woodland Avenue
Reno, Nevada 89523
United States

Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

Mission: DAV is dedicated to a single purpose: empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. They accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America’s injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.

Website: https://www.dav.org/

Helping Our Brothers and Sisters (HOBS)

Mission: HOBS works with all veterans, however, we specialize in working with LGBTQ+ veterans.

10120 W. Flamingo Rd
# 4153
Las Vegas, Nevada 89147

Contact: DrMarvinCarter@HOBS4Hope.org or (202) 421-7668

Website: http://www.HOBS4Hope.org

Meeting Times:

Meeting Location:
10120 W. Flamingo Rd
# 4153
Las Vegas, Nevada 89147

Henderson Service Office

Website: https://www.post40nv.org

Mailing Address
425 E Van Wagenen St
Henderson, Nevada 89015

Phone (725) 270-1870

Email: hendersonserviceoffice@gmail.com

Meeting Times:
9:00 to 1300 Tuesday thru Friday
Appointments are preferred.
Times may vary.

Meeting Location:
425 E Van Wagenen St
Henderson, Nevada 89015

Honor Flight Nevada

Post Box 21123
Reno Nevada 89515

Website: http://www.honorflightnv.org/

Contact: Info@HonorFlightNV.org or 775.323.9955

Honor Flight Southern Nevada

Mission: Honor Flight Southern Nevada is a non-profit organization with the mission of escorting WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans to the memorials in Washington D.C. which are dedicated to the sacrifices they made for our freedom. We work with veterans in Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Tonopah, Ely, Mesquite, Laughlin, Pahrump and everywhere in between. Priority is given to World War II veterans and veterans with a terminal illness.

6720 N. Hualapai Way
Suite 145 – 176
Las Vegas, Nevada 89149

Contact: Belinda Morse at BelindaM@honorflightsouthernnevada.org or (702) 749-5912

Website: https://honorflightsouthernnevada.org/

Meeting Times:
Advisory Committee Meeting: first Thursday of each month based on availability

Horsemanship for Heroes

Mission: Horsemanship for Heroes promotes the healing and well-being of veterans, emergency responders, and their families through equine-assisted psychotherapy and learning, empowering them to build resilience, self-awareness, and personal growth.

Contact; Karolyn (goes by “K”) or Scott Hooper
Phone: 775-462-8445
Email: heroes@horsemanship4heroes.org
Website: horsemanship4heroes.org

Follow us on Facebook!

Mailing address:
75 McCabe Dr #18456
Reno, NV 89511

Military Animal Project

On March 9, 2022, Military Animal Project (MAP) launched its N. Nevada Chapter. We have been organizing, building a volunteer base and searching for a permanent facility to run our programs. We are happy to announce that we have purchased a 22 acre Equine Facility in Reno, NV (closing escrow August 26, 2022). This will provide us a consistent meeting place, facility to provide over night housing for the veterans during our equine program and a training facility for our service dogs during training. A press release will be distributed soon!

Our Mission Statement:
We provide military veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTS(D), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), Anxiety and Depression – comfort, support, companionship, and a means to heal through;
Emotional Support or Psychiatric Service Dogs professionally trained specifically for the Veteran’s needs. The level to be determined on the recommendation of veteran’s therapist/doctor.
Certified Therapy Dogs will visit veterans in nursing homes, assisted living, rehabilitation, therapy sessions, VA hospitals, hospice facilities, Vet Centers, and also in the privacy of their own home.

Equine Buddies Program (EBP). This program helps the Veteran form a close bond with the horse and is an insight on how to earn trust & respect in order to gain leadership qualities.
All of our services are provided at NO COST to the Veteran. This is our way of saying, “Thank You For Your Service"

MAP Equine & Dog Training Facility
14035 Red Rock Road
Reno, NV 89508

Website: https://militaryanimalproject.com
Email: Mardu@MilitaryAnimalProject.com
Phone:(775) 400-1947

Military Order of The Purple Heart (MOPH)

Mission: To foster an environment of goodwill and camaraderie among combat wounded veterans, promote patriotism, support necessary legislative initiatives, and most importantly, provide service to all veterans and their families.

Website: https://www.purpleheart.org/

National Association of Black Veterans, INC. (NABVETS)

Mission: We at NABVETS want to honour the bravery and the strength of the people who were ready to save the mother land.

Website: https://nabvets.weebly.com/

Locations: https://nabvets.weebly.com/locations.html

National Order of Trench Rats

We are prior military members that provide assistance to fellow veterans. Dugout 421

Website: http://www.notrhq.com/

Meeting Times: 3rd Thursday of the month (except July and August)

Meeting Location:
V.A. Hospital room 150
6900 N. Pecos Road
North Las Vegas, Nevada 89086
United States

Phone: (702) 399-0042

Email: jcarsondav13@hotmail.com

Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS)

Mission: NDVS is a state agency that advocates for and provides superior service to Nevada veterans and their families—and to provide our communities and partners the opportunity to contribute to these endeavors. Through our four major programs we assist veterans prepare and submit claims for benefits, provide skilled nursing care, provide dignified burial support, and successfully reintegrate into Nevada communities.

Website: www.veterans.nv.gov (you are currently on the NVDS website)

How we help veterans: Veterans Service Officers, Benefits and Services, and Contact Us. We also support the work of the Veterans Services Organizations listed on this Registry page.

Nevada Military Support Alliance (NMSA)

Mission: The mission of the Nevada Military Support Alliance is to organize and promote the recognition and support of Nevada’s Men and Women of our Armed Forces, Veterans and their Families.

Website: http://nvmilitarysupport.org/

Nevada Paralyzed Veterans of America

Mission: Improving the quality of life for veterans with spinal cord injury/dysfunction and the disabled community. Through our outreach efforts, sports programs, and health and wellness services, we provide veterans with what they need to remain active members of their communities.

Website: https://nevadapva.org/

Nevada Veterans Coalition

Mission: Honoring All Veterans Past, Present and Future. We are a group of veterans and non-veterans who support the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery (NNVMC).

P.O. Box 415
140 East Main St. Ste.D
Fernley, Nevada 89408

Contact:  NNVC1@AOL.COM or (775) 575-6842

Website: http://www.supportnnvc.org/

Meeting Time:
The second Thursday of every other month @1400hrs

Meeting Location:
Nevada Veterans Coalition
140 East Main St. Ste. D
Fernley, Nevada

Nevada Veterans Foundation

Nevada Veterans Foundation

Mission: The purpose of this charitable Foundation is to help improve quality of life for members of the military, retirees, Veterans and their families undergoing medical treatment at Military and Veterans healthcare facilities.

Nevada Veterans Foundation
P.O. Box 752291
Las Vegas, NV 89136

Website: https://nevadavets.org/

Contact: info@nevadavets.org

Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Veterans and Warriors Organization

P.O. Box 13Wadsworth, NV 89442

Contact: PLVWO2008@yahoo.com or (775) 815-5787

Scottish American Military Society


Scottish American Military Society Post 777
3812 San Esteban Avenue
North Las Vegas, Nevada 89084

Contact: Samspost777lasvegas@gmail.com or (702) 406-8000

Meeting Times:
First Sunday on every month at Noon @ the Leatherneck Club
Meeting Location:
4360 W Spring Mountain Rd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

U.S. Submarine Veterans, Inc/Corvina Base-Reno

Mission: Honors those who have departed on “Eternal Patrol" by maintaining Memorials at the Fernley Northern Nevada Veteran's Cemetery, and at the State Library and Archives in Carson City. Base participates in the Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) Program, visiting long-stay children in the local hospitals, making them a “Honorary Submariner". Supports the Reno Veterans Guest House and participates in local parades with a 30 foot float of a replica WWII submarine.

P. O. Box 12291
Reno, Nevada 89510-2291

Website Contact information HERE

U.S. Vets - Las Vegas

U.S. Vets – Las Vegas opened in 2001 and currently operates two residential facilities and a community support office. The Las Vegas location operates more than 330 beds of transitional and permanent housing. Employment services are provided through a workforce program that helps more than 110 veterans return to employment each year. More than 400 veteran households are also provided rapid re-housing and homeless prevention services annually.

Mailing Address:
7321 W. Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89117

Phone: (702) 283-0014
Email: shiggins@usvets.org

Veterans Action Foundation

Taking affirmative action that assists organizations that support veterans, their families, and survivors.

Build strong, lasting, and respectful partnerships with community/business leaders, other organizations, and government departments (to reduce its burden by providing advice/assistance to people applying for benefits or gaining access to government records) to harness the communities collective power in support of challenged veterans and their needs.

Find ways to provide food, shelter, clothing, furniture, transportation, healthcare, service dogs, and other essentials as appropriate for veteran needs. In addition, help with filing claims for veteran benefits. NO VETERAN LEFT BEHIND

Website: http://www.vafnv.org

Post Office Box 530772
Henderson, Nevada 89053

Email: info@vafnv.org

Phone: (702) 930-9354

Meetings are held once a month

Veterans Guest House

Mission: The Veterans Guest House provides United States military service veterans and their families temporary overnight accommodations when receiving treatment at a medical facility in the Reno-Sparks area.

Website: https://www.veteransguesthouse.org/

VFW Auxiliary

We are the State Level for the VFW Auxiliary in Nevada – we meet three times a year for convention level business – In June for Department Convention, January for Mid Winter. We have six districts throughout the State – and we have Auxiliaries in various communities. Auxiliaries meet once a month -See website for specific times in towns -see website for contact emails for each area:

Carson City : Auxiliary 3726 2nd and Curry St 4th Tuesday 6:00pm

Virginia City: 8071 Evans Kendall 100 Mills St Viriginia City NV 1st Saturday 12:30pm

Yerington: Auxiliary 8084 Kermit Nedenreip PO box 1147 Yerington NV 89447 ; 2nd Monday 3:00pm

Elko: Aux 2350 Thursdays 5:00pm

Ely: Aux 3547 McGill Highway James Jewell Post, 2nd Saturday at 11:00am

Caliente: Aux 7114 Hugh Jacobson 390 Dixon St. Caliente ; 2nd Friday at 7:00pm

Battle Mountain: Aux 9165 Gary Cole ; 1st Wednesday 11:30am

Sparks: 3396 Silver State American Legion Hall 4th & Prater; 2nd Tuesday at 7:00pm

Reno: 9211 Battle Born 255 Burris Lane, 2nd Tuesday 7:00pm

Fallon: Aux 1002 Lawton Silva: 405 South Main St. 3rd Wednesday 6:30pm

Tonopah: Aux 1103 Kenneth Booth: Main St . 2nd Tuesday 6:00pm

Hawthorne: Aux 2313 John Franklin Shain; 2nd Tuesday 6;30pm

Mina: Aux 2668 Fortune Eckley Perry 1104 A St. Mina; 2nd Thursday 6:00pm

Schurz: Aux 6825 Schurz All Indian 1113 Cottonwood Drive Schurz: 3rd Tuesday 6:00pm

Pahrump: Aux 10054 Clyde E. Newman Jr. 4651 Homestead Road, Pahrump ; 2nd Saturday 1:00pm

Las Vegas: Aux 12093 John Lukac Post YMCA Community Center 6601 Buffalo Dr.; 1st Tuesday 6:00pm

Las Vegas: Aux 12101 American Legion Post 10, 1905 8th St. Las Vegas ; 1st Saturday 12:00noon

Beatty: Aux 12108- John Strozzi 300 West Main St. ; 2nd Sat. 10:30am

Las Vegas: Aux 12156 Red Rock, 4th Tuesday 6:30pm

Henderson: Aux 3848 Basic: 1st Wed. 6:00pm

Boulder City: Aux 36- CPL Matthew A Common Memorial Post; Senior Center 813 Arizona St. Boulder City ; 2nd Sat. 12:00pm

Overton (Mesquite area): Aux 8336 Elwood Perkins: 324 Whitmore Overton, 1st Saturday 10:00am

North Las Vegas: Aux 10047 4337 Las Vegas Blvd. 2nd Tuesday 6:00pm

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

Mission: We are a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces. We have many programs and services that work to support veterans, service members and their families, as well as communities worldwide. Please spend some time browsing our website to learn why “NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS".

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 12101
1937 Williamsport St.
Henderson, Nevada 89052

Contact: pscPeterson@vfwnv.com or (702) 465-9121

Meeting Times:
1st Tuesday of the Month, 6:00 pm
Meeting Location:
Boys & Girls Club
10900 Southern Highlands Parkway
Nevada 89141

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 989

Website: https://www.vvareno989.org

Meeting: Meets the 3rd Thursday of each Month at 1800 hours

Meeting Locations:

Inside VFW Post 9211
255 VFW Historic Lane
Reno, Nevada 89509
United States

Phone number: (775) 313-8682

Email: vvareno989@gmail.com

Mailing Address:

PO BOX 20921
Reno, Nevada 89515
United States

Women Veterans of Nevada

Mission: The mission of the Women Veterans of Nevada is to bring together women of all branches and eras of military service; inactive, reserve and active duty, to share and celebrate the history of military women, preserve and perpetuate our positive heritage and continue an active commitment to educate, aid and assist comrades and community.

P O Box 50542
Henderson, Nevada 89016

Contact: Bobi Oates at boates4616@aol.com or (702) 498-3045

Website: https://www.womenveteransalliance.org/women-veterans-nevada/

Meeting Time:
10:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of even numbered months

Meeting Location:
American Legion Post #8
733 Veterans Memorial Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101

Women Veterans of Nevada

Mission: The mission of the Women Veterans of Nevada is to bring together women of all branches and eras of military service; inactive, reserve and active duty, to share and celebrate the history of military women, preserve and perpetuate our positive heritage and continue an active commitment to educate, aid and assist comrades and community.

P O Box 50542
Henderson, Nevada 89016

Contact: Bobi Oates at boates4616@aol.com or (702) 498-3045

Website: https://www.womenveteransalliance.org/women-veterans-nevada/

Meeting Time:
10:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of even numbered months

Meeting Location:
American Legion Post #8
733 Veterans Memorial Dr
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101