• Mar 1, 2025
  • 10:24 AM

DAV Auxiliary

DAV Auxiliary Unit #7 in Carson City is accepting new applications to start up the Auxiliary in Carson City.
Thank you for your interest in the DAV Auxiliary Unit #7 formation.
Inside this packet is an application for membership in the DAV Auxiliary. On the left side of the application is the fee according to your age the date you turn in your application. You may join with as little as $20 down and $10 a month which will be billed monthly, or you may pay if full and be a Life Member from the start. Young at hearts that are 80 or older are FREE! Auxiliary Members please fill out the transfer Form.
DAV Auxiliary Unit #7 will focus on our Disabled American Veterans as per our BYLAWS dictate, but we will have fun doing it! We will have classes during our meetings on CAREGIVER assistance I.E. proper lifting techniques, handling wheel-chaired Veterans, daily living difficulties, ect; teaching our children and grandchildren that our Veterans are to be loved and respected not feared and/or distanced because of a weird looking limbs or attachments. We want to help the children/grands understand about their veteran in which to love and adore not separate or Isolate.
We will cook homemade dinners and baked goods for our DAV Chapter and Aux Unit meetings. We will run like the wind to spread the word and Forget Me Nots all over Carson City and surrounding areas, we will HONOR our fallen Veterans during our National Holidays, we will have fun Fundraisers, and I would love to see all eligible family members and veterans March/roll in our parades or ride in our Parent Chapters Volunteer Vans!

DAV members receive savings on Ford and Lincoln vehicles, as well as reimbursements for up to $1000 toward the cost of installed adaptive equipment. USAA is the exclusive credit card provider to DAV. GOV Vacation Rewards is a program specifically designed to save veterans and military personnel money on their vacations, offers DAV members the same travel discount that is offered to active-duty and past military members. Much More!
Junior Auxiliary members ages Birth to 17 years old have the ability to maintain their own Junior Auxiliary Unit Charter. These juniors will elect a Commander and Senior Vice Commander to conduct meetings, typically at the same time the DAV Auxiliary Unit meets. No bank account shall be opened for a junior auxiliary; however any funds collected through donations or fundraising shall be deposited in the Unit checking account and earmarked for junior projects. There is no charge to obtain a Junior charter, but a minimum of ten Junior members is required. They can also assist outside of school by participating in social events at local nursing homes or Veteran Administration Medical Centers, parades, flag ceremonies, Welcome Home events, honor flight events, Forget-Me-Not drives, State level fundraising activities at Conventions or Conferences, and much, much more. Junior members do not have to be involved in a junior auxiliary unit to participate. Junior Auxiliary members who meet the necessary requirements may have their names submitted for the National Junior Member of the Year award. This award is based on the junior member’s activities during the selected calendar year. There are three age categories associated with this award. Did you know Junior History Books can be submitted for judging on the national level at the national convention? Many units have active Junior members and it is worth the effort to create a lasting memory and capture the history of activities throughout the year. The history book can be an event for the Juniors to work on together and take pride in their final project as they relive their experiences. If submitting for national judging, use this document as a reference tool for coordinating the Junior History Book. Be creative, but most of all have fun!
Please remit the filled application and payment, unless application is completed online at davauxiliary.org please use sponsor code number 5206015338907 and annotate on application that you completed and paid online. If you apply for membership online please complete and sign the transfer form also because you will be a MEMBER AT LARGE until the Unit is formed and Chartered. Transfers please fill out and sign the transfer form minus the TO: Unit information.
Please send filled forms to DAV attn.: James PO Box 861, Carson City, NV 89701
Thank You for the interest in forming our New Auxiliary Unit!


Veterans Hall 2nd St and Curry Carson city NV 89701 USA 2nd and Curry St 3rd Wed of each month at 530pm dinner


DAV Carson City Chapter 7 Unit #7


James Glaser