• Jul 16, 2024
  • 12:43 AM

Eviction Prevention Advice for Nevada Veterans

As of June 22 even as we continue to make progress against COVID-19, some veterans and families still find themselves at risk of eviction. Here are the most up-to-date steps you can take to increase the likelihood that you will remain safely housed until you are able to recover from this pandemic.

  • The CDC moratorium on eviction for non-payment of rent remains active through July 2021. Make sure that you have completed the CDC Declaration and delivered a copy to your landlord. USPS Priority Mail is a great way to deliver the document because it automatically includes proof of delivery.
  • The CARES Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) assists Nevada veterans and families who have suffered substantial financial hardship and now lack sufficient income or resources to pay their rental housing costs and utilities because of the COVID-19 emergency, or the response to that emergency.  Apply for assistance, and regularly monitor the status of your application. If you have applied but cannot locate it online, apply again!
  • Be sure to respond to any eviction-related paperwork from your landlord or the Court. When filing an answer with the Court, be sure to include an explanation of your circumstances: the effect COVID-19 has had on your employment, the status of your CHAP application, whether or not your landlord was helpful with the application process, etc. With a valid explanation, the court may stay (temporarily suspend) the proceedings. Failure to respond to court eviction paperwork doesn’t make the problem go away, but it can make you go away.
  • Request that your case be handled under mediation.

Remain calm and professional. Seek Legal advice! Some legal resources are below:

  • Office of Military Legal Assistance – (775) 684-1100
  • Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada – (702) 386-1070
  • Nevada Legal Services – (800) 323-8666

Want more information on earned veterans benefits or have questions or concerns?

You are in the right place! Veterans Service Officers are here to help. Please fill out the form and click “Submit." To find VSO Locations, please visit the Veterans Service Officer page.

Want more information on earned veterans benefits or have questions or concerns?

You are in the right place! Veterans Service Officers are here to help. Please fill out the form and click “Submit." To find VSO Locations, please visit the Veterans Service Officer page.