• Mar 30, 2025
  • 2:35 PM

February-Veteran of the Month/Veteran Supporter of the Month

We congratulate Robert Edwards of Reno for being named Veteran of the Month (VOM) and Jon Yuspa of Washoe Valley for being recognized as Veteran Supporter for the Month (VSM) of February.

Edwards Is a Marine Corps veteran who began supporting the veteran community by joining the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 744 in Winnemucca in 2003. While living in Winnemucca, he would often volunteer to serve as relief driver for the van that transported veterans from Winnemucca to the Reno VA Hospital. This activity lasted eight years. During his time with VVA 744, he was also able to work with the county to negotiate a no charge lease for a permanent veterans hall in a county-owned facility. When he moved to Reno in 2012, he joined VVA Chapter 989 and VFW 3819 where has been active with both. In his new home, he has served in a variety of roles from being his chapter’s chair for their Assistance Fund, to serving on the board of directors and vice president of the chapter in 2019. His involvement in the community is not limited to only Veterans, as he also has worked to support the National Guard’s 422th Signal Battalion’s annual family Holiday Party.

Yuspa has been an incredibly active veteran supporter since moving to Nevada in 2012. His involvement with the veteran community began in his home of Baltimore. Following his move he noticed that an Honor Flight Chapter did not exist in Northern Nevada. He made it his mission to start one and has now been able take over 1,000 veterans on all expense paid trips to Washington DC and Pearl Harbor to visit the memorials for conflicts in which many of these veterans served. As the President of Honor Flight Nevada, he has made this possible by working with community partners and organizing fundraisers. His support for the veteran community is not limited to his own organization, but he partners with other organizations to recognize Gold Star Families and many of other veteran support initiatives.

Robert Edwards

Jon Yuspa

Due to the risk of coronavirus exposure, special ceremonies to honor and recognize the VOM and VSM are postponed until it is safe to resume them once again.

Veteran of the Month – Guidelines and Nomination Form

The Veteran of the Month (VOM) award recognizes Nevada veterans who contribute their time and energy to support veterans, their communities and/or the military. View the VOM guidelines and and nomination form.

Veteran Supporter of the Month – Guidelines and Nomination Form

The Veteran Supporter of the Month (VSM) Award recognizes both active organizations and non-veteran Nevada community members that provide exceptional support to military stationed in Nevada, Nevada veterans, and their families. View for VSM guidelines and nomination form.