• Feb 24, 2025
  • 9:16 AM

Grants Available to Honor and Remember Every Veteran – Every Generation

If you have a great idea for a ceremony or event that honors and recognizes veterans, we want to hear from you. NDVS is offering up to $2,000 to help host a ceremony or special event highlighting a generation of veterans. For example, what about hosting a USO dance party to honor Nevada’s Korean War veterans? Or how about hosting a Luminary event, where lights or candles are lit to honor a fallen Nevada warrior?

Every year, NDVS supports various events across Nevada, all aimed at recognizing and honoring Nevada’s veterans. Just to give you an idea, last year NDVS held an all-day event at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home on Veterans Day to recognize the 100th Anniversary of the end of WWI. We encourage you to look at the list below and start planning your event or ceremony in 2019:

Korean War
Vietnam War
Cold War
Desert Storm
Global War on Terrorism Post 9-11

NDVS is also looking for events or ceremonies this year that honor unique veterans or military families:

Native American Veterans
LGBTQ Veterans
Women Veterans
Hispanic Veterans
African American Veterans
Gold Star Families

Drop us a line and let us know your ideas and what you have planned. Contact Josh Loftis at loftisj@veterans.nv.gov and let us know how we can support your event or ceremony. We look forward to hearing your ideas!