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By Rachel Jelenic,
NDVS Veterans Healthcare Champions Program Manager
The Nevada Department of Veterans Services Healthcare Services Team held a Veterans in Care Ceremony on Flag Day, June 14th, at Rosewood Rehabilitation Center located in Reno, Nevada. Eleven veterans were recognized for their continued service to our country with a Pin of Valor, signed certificate by Director Wagar, and a personal American Flag. The veterans were grateful to receive the honor of service recognition by Deputy Director Amy Stephenson.
The Veterans in Care Program was developed in 2016 with three lines of effort: service recognition, connection to military benefits, and military culture training for civilian long-term care staff. This program had honored hundreds of veterans since its creation and has continued to be important work throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. NDVS is proud to bring the Veterans in Care Ceremonies back to communities in Nevada for some time to come. If you work at a community-based care facility and are interested in holding a ceremony for your residents, reach out to Healthcare Program Manager Rachel Jelenic at jelenicr@veterans.nv.gov