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You’re encouraged to get involved and make a difference by joining the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC).
The UVLC is open to all Nevada veterans, military members and advocates who are dedicated to legislative activities that benefit the veterans’ community. There is no fee for membership. The UVLC is nonpartisan and politically neutral.
The UVLC is the brainchild of the late Tony Yarbrough. He devoted his life working on behalf of veterans to enhance their lives. Yarbrough was a U.S. Navy veteran who spent decades lobbying on behalf of veterans at Nevada’s State Capitol. Over the years, he identified an effective, efficient way to gain the attention of Nevada lawmakers to ensure the highest chance of success in getting veteran-friendly bills introduced and passed or defeating proposals that would create a negative impact. Thus, the UVLC was born, so veterans could gather, identify issues of concern, prioritize those issues and then speak through the UVLC with one voice during each legislative session.
The Nevada legislature meets every other year. Just prior to the session, the Nevada Veterans Legislative Summit is held to provide participants with information about the legislative process as well as the legislative priority list identified by veterans during the symposia, held the year before.
When bills of interest to the veteran community are under consideration, the UVLC will “rally the troops” so veterans can show unity at hearings, either by testifying or simply wearing service organization hats or veteran-oriented attire.
In the years the legislature is not in session, symposia are hosted in the northern and southern parts of Nevada. The symposia enables veterans, servicemembers or advocates to identify and prioritize areas of legislative importance to them so their priority list can be presented to Nevada lawmakers for consideration.
The 83rd Session of the Nevada Legislature is set to start on February 3, 2025.
Save your seat for the 2025 Veterans Legislative Summit.
It will be held in Las Vegas on January 11, 2025. Go HERE for details and registration.
The Summit will be held in Reno on January 18, 2025. Go HERE for details and registration.
Go HERE to for more information on the UVLC and to review the UVLC schedule of activities and meetings.