• Mar 25, 2025
  • 1:35 PM

Let Your Voice Be Heard

NDVS Seeks Public Comment for Language Access Plan 

The Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS) is establishing an effective plan and protocol for the NDVS team to follow when providing services or interacting with individuals who have limited English proficiency. WE ARE SEEKING YOUR COMMENTS in developing this plan! 

NDVS invites any member of the public to provide a public comment in relation to the plan by emailing us at pio.ndvs@veterans.nv.gov. 

Nevada Senate Bill 318 (SB318) and the federal guidance on Title VI both agree that language should not be a barrier to accessing governmental programs and services. As SB318 puts it, “Persons with limited English proficiency require and deserve meaningful, timely access to government services in their preferred language.” Moreover, it makes it clear that it is the responsibility of the government to provide that access! 

It is the NDVS mission to assist veterans prepare and submit claims for benefits, provide skilled nursing care, provide dignified burial support and to successfully integrate from U.S. military service back to into civilian life. We greatly support your help in this effort!