• Feb 16, 2025
  • 10:49 AM

Message from the Director – April 2021

Dear Veterans, families, advocates, and friends:

This past week I had an opportunity to attend a Vietnam War Veterans Day ceremony. Organized by Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 989 (Reno), the event was a wonderful tribute to the men and women who served our country at an extraordinarily difficult time in history. It was also a fantastic event as it marked a return, albeit under necessary COVID-19 restrictions, to a time when we can gather with comrades to celebrate, honor, and remember all those who served and sacrificed, and their families.

I look forward to attending and hosting many more veterans ceremonies as Nevadans become eligible for, and are administered the COVID-19 vaccine. Click HERE to make an appointment, sign up for VA vaccine notifications, or find the nearest vaccine location. I strongly urge everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

I’m already receiving inquiries about Memorial Day (Monday, May 31st). Unfortunately, since we don’t know what state and county health guidelines will look like a couple of months from now, the plans for the State of Nevada’s Memorial Day observation have not yet been finalized. We will have more information to share in the weeks ahead with details provided in our May 1, 2021 Veteran’s Voice newsletter.

There are other upcoming events that are easier to nail down. If you’re a dog lover and live in the Reno area, please take the time to read about and then join the Veteran K-9 Corps. The K-9 Corps is a wonderful opportunity to bond and engage with others who have similar interests. Contact NDVS Community Outreach Officer Eduardo Martinez at martineze@veterans.nv.gov to register for upcoming training courses.

Also, suicide prevention SafeTALK training courses are available once again. Information on the SafeTALK training schedule is in this newsletter under “Health and Wellness,” or visit the Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention. You can also make a difference in someone’s life by becoming a volunteer for our Heroes for Heroes program. Volunteers ensure our veterans living in the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home and elsewhere across Nevada stay socially engaged through regular, “virtual visits.” Contact NDVS Healthcare Initiative Program Manager Rachel Jelenic at jelenicr@veterans,nv.gov to learn more or to volunteer.

Finally, I want to extend my appreciation to the staff in the Senate and Assembly who helped coordinate Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature (VAMDAL) last month. I’d also like to thank our partners, the Nevada National Guard and the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC), as well as the participants in the VAMDAL presentation which included Chaplain Todd Brown with the Nevada National Guard, the UNLV Veterans Association, UVLC Chairman Andy LePeilbet, and videographer Joseph Abraham. If you missed it, the presentation may be viewed HERE. I hope you will take the time to watch or be able to participate in the many upcoming opportunities to be involved and enhance the life of a veteran. As always, thank you for your service to your fellow veterans and to your communities.

Kat Miller