• Mar 13, 2025
  • 10:56 AM

Message from the Director – December 2020

To my fellow veterans:

I wish you all a joyous holiday season! Your service and sacrifice, as well as the support and dedication of your families, are appreciated and remembered by Nevadans across the State.

Thanks again for reading our newsletter; our NDVS communications team continues to work hard to share information you may find valuable and I am very proud of their excellent work.

Every December one of our most important veteran events, Wreaths Across America, occurs. The goal of this national event is to place wreaths on the final resting place of America’s veterans to remember their service, honor their sacrifice, and teach future generations about their patriotism. This year’s event occurs on December 19, 2020, with changes in place that are necessary to protect participants from the global COVID-19 pandemic. For more information about this year’s Wreaths Across America, contact local event organizers.

NDVS is also delighted to announce the continuation of our virtual, “In the Know” veterans benefit information series with a free, hourlong “Discharge Upgrade” webinar on Wed., January 13 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. To register, please visit  the NDVS Discharge Upgrade Webinar page.

I also want to share that as part of the NDVS strategic planning efforts, our team has updated our mission and vision statements to reflect our current operational environment and goals. Every NDVS team member was involved in reviewing and recommending the changes that resulted in these new guiding statements; and I am grateful every day for the resilience, adaptability and determination of our team.

As we head into a season that is characterized by good will and positivity, the lack of connection with family and friends as a result of the pandemic can lead to stress and depression. Please continue to check in with each other frequently. If you feel alone, or just need the support of others, please know there are many, many people willing to help you. Here are some mental health resources listed on the NDVS website. And, if you know someone at risk, please visit the Suicide Prevention section of our website, including: What to do if you identify someone at risk for suicide. And please add the Veteran Crisis Line number to your phone—you never know when it might be needed: 1-800-273-8255.

Looking forward, the 2021 Nevada Legislative Session kicks off on February 1, 2021. Along with the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC), we are reviewing the Legislative Symposia recommendations to help Governor Sisolak and the Nevada Legislature understand the needs of Nevada veterans and their families. Visit the UVLC page for additional information.

In closing, I hope you and your families are well and have a wonderful, safe holiday season. Please stay safe and continue to do your part to help contain the spread of COVID-19 in our communities, especially the State Veterans Homes, by wearing a face covering and practicing social distancing. These steps help slow the spread and we thank you for considering the health concerns of the most vulnerable among us.


Kat Miller