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To my fellow veterans, military members, families, and supporters:
Across the United States, March is recognized as “Women’s History Month." And this month, Governor Sisolak will proclaim March as “Women’s Military History Month in Nevada” during the NDVS-hosted 2021 Virtual Women Veterans Conference (March 3rd from 9:00 A.M. to noon). The conference will feature keynote speaker, Shoshanna Johnson, the first U.S. Black female prisoner of war and author of the book, I’m Still Standing – From Captive U.S. Soldier to Free Citizen – My Journey Home. All are welcome to attend, but we especially hope that Nevada’s women veterans can participate. Topics will include personal courage and resilience, health and wellness, VA healthcare, and finding strength during challenging times. If you haven’t already registered for the conference, there is still time to sign up.
Also this month, NDVS, in partnership with the Nevada National Guard and the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC) will celebrate Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature (VAMDAL) in a virtual ceremony before the Nevada State Legislature. The presentation will include a video featuring a representation of veterans and military members from across Nevada and begins at 11:30 A.M. on March 17, 2021. You are encouraged to view live or follow us on social media to watch at your leisure.
Finally, March 29th marks National Vietnam War Veterans Day. It was 47 years ago, on that date in 1973 the last 2,500 American troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. During VAMDAL, UVLC Chair and Vietnam Veteran Andy LePielbet will read a proclamation from Governor Sisolak which recognizes our Vietnam War veterans and acknowledges the long lasting and devastating effects of Agent Orange on those who served in Vietnam. Congress recently expanded the list of medical conditions associated with exposure to Agent Orange. You’re encouraged to read more here (have to insert) as well as schedule time to talk with a Veteran Service Officer to help you determine if the expansion of health and medical conditions for exposure to Agent Orange applies to you.
We are honored to continue to serve you by providing key resources and information to support you and your family. We hope to see you at an upcoming NDVS virtual event—and perhaps later this year we can come together again in person to celebrate the tremendous legacy of Nevada’s heroes.