• Mar 25, 2025
  • 9:58 AM

Military Sexual Trauma – Virtual Workshops

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Educational Series

Funded by the Nevada Department of Veteran Services, developed in partnership with the Perry Foundation and supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

A FREE Three-Part Virtual Series Exploring the Identification & Treatment of MST

Join us for an up close and personal look into Military Sexual Trauma, addressing the behavioral and mental health needs of MST Survivors as well as the Cultural Sensitivity and Ethical Considerations of Healthcare Professionals.

Download MST Virtual event flyer.

CEUs are available for Licensed Administrators (Board of Examiners for Long Term Care Administrators – ETHICS CEUs), Licensed Nurses (Nevada State Board of Nursing), and Social Workers (Board of Examiners for Social Workers) for all three days if attended.

VA Benefits – As a healthcare provider, you may experience reports of MST or other Veteran specific needs. For VA disability claims regarding MST or other benefits and services, please have the Veteran contact a Veterans Service Officer at the Nevada Department of Veterans Services.

Tuesday, Aug.17 – Day One Resources for survivors and supporters – Thank you to all the panel discussion participants: Shane Whitecloud, Public Affairs Officer for the VA Sierra Nevada Healthcare System; Noelle Porter, California Highway Patrol (retired); and Michelle Dieters, 152 Airlift Wing Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Manager; and facilitator Amanda Turner, LCSW, MST Coordinator and PCT Social Worker at the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System.

Tuesday, Aug.24 – Day Two Resources dig into the symptoms & common reactions/diagnoses, statistics, treatment options, and the ethical responsibilities of the healthcare professional when caring for survivors of MST.- Thank you to Dr. Nicole Anders, Psy.D, Licensed clinical psychologist and MST Corrdinator for the VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System.

Tuesday, Aug. 31- Day Three Resources: dig into the symptoms & common reactions/diagnoses, statistics, treatment options, and the ethical responsibilities of the healthcare professional when caring for survivors of MST.- Thank you to Michelle Middleton, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Manager for the Nevada Air National Guard.

MST Educational Series 2020 Resources: View resources on our past MST Educational Series.