• Feb 24, 2025
  • 12:02 PM

Military Times – Free Child Care while Getting Medical Treatment

The Veterans Affairs Department could soon provide free child care for veterans undergoing treatment for mental health and other medical issues — a move some lawmakers hope will make it easier for veterans to get help.

The House of Representatives passed a bill Friday that seeks to make permanent an existing pilot program rolled out in 2011. At the time, a VA survey found that more than 10 percent of veterans had to cancel or reschedule VA appointments because they lacked child care, and one-third said they were interested in child care services.

“We made a promise that our veterans will get the care they’ve earned,” Rep. Julia Brownley, D-Calif., said in an email. “We can’t put insurmountable roadblocks in front of their ability to receive that care.”

The Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act calls for the VA to provide child care on site, pay veterans a stipend for the full cost of child care at licensed facilities, pay the facilities directly or collaborate with other agencies.

The Senate still needs to approve the legislation before it can head to the president to become law. It passed the House with bipartisan support, though some Republicans were reluctant about having taxpayers foot the bill.

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