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Happy Fourth of July!
No matter how you plan to celebrate our nation’s birthday, I urge you to take a moment to give thanks and remember the veterans and those currently serving in the military who’ve made it possible for us to enjoy the liberty and freedoms we have and celebrate today.
NDVS is proud to honor and recognize these men and women and our congratulations go out to this month’s Veteran of the Month, Michael Terry, and Veteran Supporter of the Month, Comstock Lode & Quilters (Quilts of Valor). Under Honoring Our Heroes, please read more about them, along with nine additional recipients who received a special in-person ceremony with our Governor because they missed out on their ceremony, due to the pandemic.
This month we are also welcoming two new members to our Veterans Advocacy and Support Team. Julianne Dimassis is our new Veterans Service Officer (VSO) in Fallon. While not a veteran herself, her fiancé is a disabled veteran, and members of her family have served for generations. We are also pleased to introduce Kristina Karle, who will serve as our Women Veterans Service Officer. Kristina is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who served as a logistician, obtaining the rank of captain during her time in the military. You may read more about Julianne and Kristina under Programs and Services, including how to contact them and make an appointment.
NDVS is also launching its first in-person Nevada Transition Assistance Program (NVTAP) event this month too. As you likely know, the Department of Defense provides transition assistance to those who are separating from the military without discussing State benefits. NVTAP provides information on earned benefits, services and resources that are specific to Nevada. This program has been on-line. Now we are hosting an in-person event to be held on Saturday, July 30th, at the Army National Guard North Las Vegas Readiness Center from 1:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m. I encourage you to check out the details under News You Can Use
Finally, by now, you may have heard about the passing of Tony Yarbrough, who was instrumental in the creation and success of the United Veterans Legislative Council (UVLC). Tony was a key partner of ours (NDVS) and a driver of the non-partisan, nonprofit UVLC organization which has been instrumental in allowing Nevada’s veterans to speak with one voice and turn so many veteran-friendly ideas into law. On a personal note, Tony was a very good friend who I had the pleasure and honor to know and work alongside. Tony deeply cared and worked every day to ensure veterans, military members and their families were connected to their earned benefits. He was an amazing asset to Nevada and Nevada’s veterans’ community. He is and will be deeply missed. Tony was an intensely private person. If his family chooses to publicly share his funeral information, we will certainly share that information with you. Meanwhile, please keep him and his family in your prayers and thoughts.
As for other events, we will continue to keep you posted on our upcoming events and ceremonies so you may participate. I hope to see you at one soon. As always, thank you for your continued support of Nevada’s military, veterans and their families.
It’s hard to believe it’s been two months since I was honored to be appointed to this position and I will continue to work as hard as I can to ensure NDVS continues to provide the great services for which you have become accustomed to.
Fred Wagar