• Mar 11, 2025
  • 7:35 PM

Nellis / Creech Air Force Base Adopt A Family Program

The Adopt A Family Program is designed to assist families on the base identified by their first sergeants and supervisors as needing a little extra assistance during the holidays. If you choose to donate, a program staff member will assign families based on your specific requests to the maximum extent possible.

Points of contact are identified below. If you plan to donate this year, please send your donation intentions to one of the points of contact identified below no later than October 30th and include how many individuals and/or families you would like to sponsor. The program will pair donors with recipients and provide each of you with details. Pairing will be completed by November 6th, but if the program is able to pair you sooner, they will make an effort to do so.

The program kindly ask that donors provide a minimum of two gifts per individual that you sponsor. Additionally, donors are more than welcome to purchase something for the adult(s) in the household if they choose to do so. Each gift must be wrapped and clearly marked with three things–the assigned family number, the child’s gender, and the child’s age. This will aid in getting the gifts sorted and out to the adopted families in time for the holidays. As the holidays get closer, the program will coordinate donation drop-offs/pick-ups throughout the week of December 7-11. Please note that the program will not be able to accept donations after December 11th as they will be coordinating gift disbursement the following Monday.

The Points of Contact are: