• Mar 28, 2025
  • 9:56 PM

Nevada State Veterans Home is an Award-Winning Skilled Facility

  • In 2018 U.S. News and World Report Best Nursing Homes awarded the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home with its highest rating possible of 5 Stars, Top Performing in health inspections, nurse staffing and measures of medical quality of care. U.S. News evaluated more than 15,000 homes nationwide, in every state, and nearly 100 major metropolitan areas. Only 2,005 homes nationwide received the top rating between 4.5 and 5 stars.
  • SNSVH maintains a 5-Star rating by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), the highest rating possible.
  • For six years in a row, SNSVH has received the HealthInsight Quality Award for excellence and exceptional quality care. This award recognizes nursing homes for exceeding and excelling in a number of quality care measures.
  • In 2016 three staff members of SNSVH received recognition in the Endeavor Awards Program through the Perry Foundation. Poppy Helgren, R.N., Director of Nursing received “Nurse Leader of the Year,” DiAnn Lawson, Certified Nursing Assistant received “Certified Nursing Assistant" for all southern Nevada facilities and Mary Lambert, Rehab Program Manager for the “Most Extraordinary Therapist.”
  • In 2017 two staff members of SNSVH received recognition in the Endeavor Awards Program through the Perry Foundation. Corine Watson, R.N., received “Nurse Leader of the Year,” and Sally Gray, R.N., received “ Distinguished Nurse Educator of the Year” for all southern Nevada skilled nursing facilities.
  • In 2018 three staff members of SNSVH received recognition in the Endeavor Awards Program through the Perry Foundation. Linda Gelinger, Administrator, received “Administrator of the Year," Poppy Helgren, RN Director of Nursing, received “Nurse Leader of the Year," DiAnn Lawson, Certified Nursing Assistant, received “Certified Nursing Assistant," for all southern Nevada Skilled Nursing Facilities.
  • SNSVH received a deficiency-free rating during its annual VA survey conducted over a three day period, May 16 -18, 2017. To receive a deficiency-free rating is rare as the rigorous VA survey occurs unannounced and it reviews, as well as measures, 158 standards. The survey report found SNSVH was in compliance with all 158 standards and was granted full certification with this distinction for 2017.
  • In 2017, 2018, and 2019, the SNSVH Administrator, Linda Gelinger, and Team Members, were honored for the American College of Health Care Administrators Eli Pick Facility Leadership award for top-performance ranking for skilled nursing facility nationwide.
  • SNSVH continues to maintain high rankings, in the top 95th percentile, in the Pinnacle Customer Experience program. In 2017, the SNSVH received 12 Best in the Class Awards. In 2018, and 2019, they received 14 Best in the Class Awards out of 16 categories.
  • SNSVH obtained certification in the Music and Memory program which has been show to improve the quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia related diseases. The Perry Foundation, through a grant provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, launched the Nevada Music & Memory Initiative to enhance quality of life while reducing the use of anti-psychotic medications

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