• Mar 13, 2025
  • 10:21 AM

Northern and Southern Nevada State Veterans Homes

There are new visitation guidelines now in place at both the Northern and Southern Nevada State Veterans Homesthanks to the COVID-19 vaccine. These new guidelines have been reviewed and approved by local, state and federal regulatory agencies that oversee nursing homes.    

New Visitation Guidelines at Northern Nevada State Veterans Home, Sparks, NV 

Outdoor Visitation– This is still the preferred method of visitation. Outdoor visits generally pose a lower risk of transmission due to increased space and airflow. Therefore, visits should be held outdoors whenever practicable. As weather improves, outdoor visitation in neighborhood courtyards will be encouraged.  

Indoor Visitation – The following is required: 

  • All visits are scheduled Monday to Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  
  • No more than two people at a time in rooms 
  • Always maskedcannot visit other residents, or go in other resident areas. 
  • Max of two visits taking place at any given time in a household.  
  • Visits limited to 45 minutes to give everyone the opportunity to visit their loved one 
  • No more than 12 visits taking place in the facility at a given time.  
  • All visitors must remain physically distanced from other residents and staff while in the facility.  

Vaccinated residents – Vaccinated residents will be allowed contact (less than 6 feet including touching). Visitors must have well-fitting face mask and perform hand hygiene before and after visits. 

  • Visitation in rooms only.  This will give the residents the privacy required by CMS and restrict the movement and contact from outside/families with other residents.  
  • No visit in common areas to avoid family members having contact with other residents. 
  • Mask always worn.  (Guests are not allowed to eat or drink) 
  • Two visitors at a time to control the amount of people in the building at one time. 

Non-Vaccinated residents- Non-vaccinated residents are allowed visits, but no contact and or close visitation. 

  • Visitation with plexiglass divider in Town Hall only.  (Like the compassionate care visit that have already been occurring)  
  • All visits scheduled with social services to ensure they have availability.  
  • Mask always worn.  (Guests are not allowed to eat or drink) 
  • Two visitors at a time to control the amount of people in the building at one time. 

Compassionate care visits will be always permitted. 

At this time, only family members and close personal friends visiting a specific resident are allowed in visitation.  

SNSVH New Visitation Guidelines 

Outdoor Visitation – Outdoor visits will continue in the designated area in front of the home and provide alternative indoor visiting area for inclement weather, (e.g., excessively hot, or cold temperatures or poor air quality).  

Inside Visitation – Indoor visits will be held in a designated visiting area. The total number of visitors for each resident is two and the total number of visitors indoors is 4based on consideration of physical space available to provide safe visitation. Visits will be scheduled seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Vaccinated residents – Vaccinated residents will be allowed contact (less than 6 feet including touching). Visitors must have well-fitting face mask and perform hand hygiene before and after visits. 

  • Visits in designated visiting areas only. 
  • Mask always worn.  (Guests are not allowed to eat or drink) 
  • Two visitors at a time to control the amount of people in the building at one time. 
  • Age 11 years and older are approved for indoor visitation.  The age limit is subject to change based on CDC recommendations, CMS guidelines, and ongoing evaluation of child ability to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention. 
  • There is no set age limit for outdoor visitation.  

Non-Vaccinated residents- Non-vaccinated residents are allowed visits but no contact and or close visitation. 

  • Visits in designated visiting areas only. 
  • Mask always worn.  (Guests are not allowed to eat or drink) 
  • Two visitors at a time to control the amount of people in the building at one time. 
  • Age 11 years and older are approved for indoor visitation.  The age limit is subject to change based on CDC recommendations, CMS guidelines, and ongoing evaluation of child ability to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention. 
  • There is no set age limit for outdoor visitation.  

Compassionate care visits will be always permitted. 

At this time, only family members and close personal friends visiting a specific resident are allowed in visitation.