• Feb 23, 2025
  • 8:04 AM

PsychArmor – How Military Experience Helps Build Resilience

How Military Experience Helps Build Resilience

Tune into our Twitch Stack Up Livestream, June 10, 2020, at 3PM PST! Hear from three panelists from Stack Up: Dave Crouse (Director of Veteran Services, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran), Chris Kunz (Stack Up Overwatch Staff, U.S. Army), and Keisha Castillo (Stack Up Overwatch Staff, U.S. Navy Officer). This panel, as moderated by PsychArmor’s Chief Clinical Director, Dr. Heidi Kraft, will inform on military-connected resilience strategies we can utilize to overcome times of uncertainty.


Check out our second Q&A in our series with TAPS!

Dr. Shauna Springer is Chief Psychologist of Stella Center, and former Senior Director of Suicide Prevention Initiatives at the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). Through telling the story of TAPS Peer Mentor and retired Army Chief Warrant Officer 3, Jon Ganues, Sr., “Posttraumatic Growth After Loss” explains how opportunities for growth are possible even after the trauma of losing a loved one to suicide. PsychArmor sat down with Dr. Springer to discuss the ‘story behind the story.’
Thank you for your continued support of our nation’s military service members, Veterans, and their families.