• Jan 22, 2025
  • 7:29 PM

Reno Sparks Tahoe Economic Development Authority Of Western Nevada


EDAWN Community:

We know many of you are suffering the economic impacts of the COVID-19 virus shutdown, some more than others. From a health perspective, the impacts on our community are still minimal and with our social distancing efforts we hope it will stay that way. However, the impacts on our economy and many of the businesses in our region, may be devastating. There is no doubt that many of our small businesses will not survive this crisis and that means many of the employees in the region, our neighbors and friends, will be unemployed for what could be months. That is where you can help. If you are in a position to help our community weather this storm, I would encourage you to consider supporting one of the many efforts to do so.

I would recommend both the United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra (UWNNS) Emergency Assistance Fund and the Community Foundation’s Charitable Relief Fund.

In cooperation with the City of Reno, The City of Sparks, and Washoe County, the Community Foundation opened a charitable relief fund to help address needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic in northern Nevada. The COVID-19 Relief Fund will distribute grants to individuals, businesses, governmental services and charitable nonprofits. A fund advisory committee will be comprised of representatives from local organizations, local governments, the Community Foundation and experts. People are asked to contribute to the COVID-19 Relief Fund on the Community Foundation Website, nevadafund.org.  Here is the Press Release

The United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra (UWNNS) recently announced the launch of its Emergency Assistance Fund. The region’s health and human services organizations are experiencing a surge in demand from individuals and families significantly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The fund will support organizations already providing rental assistance, food, and other basic needs services by supplying additional resources to them during this challenging time.