• Feb 8, 2025
  • 6:04 PM

Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit #7

Meeting are at 6pm and dinner at 5:30pm 
Family Members of ANY DISABLED AMERICAN VETERAN in the Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Dayton, TRE, Topaz, Lake Tahoe, Yerington or anywhere south of Washoe Valley; we are starting an Auxiliary for DAV Chapter 7 in Carson City. 
DAV Auxiliary Unit #7 will focus on our Disabled American Veterans as per our BYLAWS dictate, but we will have fun doing it! We will have classes during our meetings on CAREGIVER assistance I.E. proper lifting techniques, handling wheel-chaired Veterans, daily living difficulties, ect; teaching our children and grandchildren that our Veterans are to be loved and respected not feared and/or distanced because of a weird looking limbs or attachments. We want to help the children/grands understand about about their veteran in which to love and adore not separate or Isolate. 
We will cook homemade dinners and baked goods for our DAV Chapter and Aux Unit meetings. We will run like the wind to spread the word and Forget Me Nots all over Carson City and surrounding areas, we will HONOR our fallen Veterans during our National Holidays, we will have fun Fundraisers, and I would love to see all eligible family members and veterans March/roll in our parades or ride in our Parent Chapters Volunteer Vans! 
We would love to have our heroes and their families (SPOUSES, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, step parents. nieces, nephews, children, grandchildren) from ANY generation of current Active/Reserves/Guard, veterans of OIF/OEF, Gulf War, Kosovo, Somalia, Grenada, Panama, Vietnam, Korea, the great wars and just plain accidents while in the military causing ANY disability. 
IF YOU ARE 80 years or over, YOUR membership is FREE! JUNIORS under 18 YOU ARE FREE ALSO until 17 years when you are encouraged to start your initial $25 towards you adult Lifetime Membership! family members that are between 18-80 years old can join for as little as $20 towards your life membership and $10 a month!!!! 
Who Belongs in the DAV Auxiliary? 
• Family and extended family members of veterans who were disabled or died in military service. 
• Family and extended family members of veterans who have served in the military without sustaining injury. 
• Family and extended family members of those in active military service. 
• Family and extended family of Auxiliary members who are not otherwise eligible for membership. 
• DAV members. Every person who is eligible should belong to the DAV 
Auxiliary if they believe in protecting the rights of disabled veterans and their families. 
DAV Auxiliary Membership By joining DAV Auxiliary, your support lends voice to our legislative efforts on behalf of all veterans and their families. A life membership can be secured at any age with a $20 down payment and a flexible membership payment plan. This life membership seals your commitment to the Auxiliary, your veteran and your family. 
Junior Membership 
The DAV Auxiliary encourages junior member involvement in all programs of the organization. Learning by example, juniors experience first-hand the rewards of volunteerism and service to the community as well as the significance of honoring our nation’s veterans. Children who are age 17 or younger may belong to the Auxiliary’s Junior organization.


124 W. 2nd St Veterans Hall
Carson City NV 89702