• Feb 23, 2025
  • 7:33 PM

State of Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation

The Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation consists of divisions that offer assistance in job training and placement, vocational rehabilitation, workplace discrimination, and in collecting and analyzing workforce and economic data. Many of these services are provided through DETR’s partnership with the Nevada JobConnect system.  
The Veterans Employment Service provides one of the highest quality job referral and placement systems in the nation. Employer job orders immediately gain statewide exposure to Nevada’s labor force. And, for hard-to-find specialized workers, our affiliation with US Jobs offers exposure to employer job openings in employment service offices throughout the nation.  
Job Search Workshops can teach the veteran job-seeker to take command of their job-search efforts. Techniques of resume preparation, proper application procedures, and interviewing skills are also taught in the workshop setting. 
Assessment & Guidance Services help the veteran job-seeker to make career-related decisions through aptitude testing, assessment, vocational guidance, counseling services, and access to Nevada’s Career Information System (NCIS) for additional job search tools. 
Labor Market Information gives job-seeking veterans valuable information about trends in the labor market. This information is helpful in giving direction to the job search and in making informed career decisions. In Nevada, there is no better source of labor market information than the department’s Research and Analysis Bureau.  
The Nevada JobConnect system places the highest priority on providing a variety of employment services to veterans of U.S. military service. Every Nevada JobConnect office has the responsibility of ensuring priority of service to our nation’s veterans. That’s one of the reasons why – every day is Veterans Day in Nevada. Another reason: Nevada’s employers are strongly committed to creating job opportunities for veterans through training, re-training, and on-the-job training programs in their places of business. This exceptional relationship between Nevada JobConnect and the business community is integral to providing no-fee employment services to the men and women who have served this country.  
How to Obtain Assistance: 
Highly trained Veterans Representatives are located in most Nevada JobConnect offices. These Veterans Representatives are veterans themselves. They have received specialized training by the Department of Labor in Employment Assistance specifically for veterans. This training enables them to provide unique assistance to veterans.


2800 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas NV 89104