• Jul 16, 2024
  • 10:19 AM

Speak up and be heard! Las Vegas Nevada 2020 Veterans Legislative Symposia

The Nevada Veterans Legislative Symposia provides a platform to identify and prioritize issues important to veterans and their families. Your participation will help shape veteran issues that will be brought before Nevada lawmakers in the 2021 Legislative Session.

These symposia, hosted by the Nevada Department of Veterans Services and the United Veterans Legislative Council, occur every other year, to prepare for the upcoming legislative session. Coffee starts at 8:00 AM.

Veterans Legislative Symposia

March 28, 2020 

Join us for coffee – 8:00 AM

Event runs 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System

6900 North Pecos Road

Auditorium, N. Las Vegas

Register here: http://bit.ly/SymposiaLV