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The Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS) operates the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home in Boulder City, and and the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home in Sparks, which opened in 2019.
(775) 827-2955 and FAX (775) 327-4892
36 Battle Born Way
Sparks, NV 89431
Please visit the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home page. For questions about Admissions, please call or email Admissions Director Troy Harsh at 775-827-2955 or Troy.Harsh@nnsvh.com. For questions about donations, please contact Julie Dudley, dudleyj@veterans.nv.gov.
(702) 332-6784 and FAX (702) 332-6762
100 Veterans Memorial Dr.
Boulder City, NV 89005
For questions about Admissions, please call or email Admissions Director Valerie Nunez at 702-668-5517 or nunezv@veterans.gov. For questions about donations, please contact Dan Chamizo, chamizod@veterans.nv.gov.
Please visit the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home page for information on our high quality skilled nursing care with an emphasis on maintaining resident dignity in a home-like environment.
Pursuant to NRS 449.101, neither the Southern nor Northern State Veterans Homes discriminate or permit discrimination in any form of its residents to include, without limitation, bullying, abuse or harassment on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or HIV status, or based on association with another person on account of that person’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or HIV status.
If a resident feels they have experienced prohibited discrimination, under the law they may file a complaint with the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health by calling 702-668-3250 or emailing dpbh@health.nv.gov. Or, mail: 727 Fairview Drive, Ste. E, Carson City, NV 89701-5493.