• Feb 16, 2025
  • 11:26 AM

The VA Has Released a New App Called “How We R.E.A.C.H.” Coaching Tools App

By: Kim Donohue, Suicide Prevention Program Manager 

As the PREVENTS State Ambassador, I am excited to announcthe U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on March 18th released the “How We R.E.A.C.H". Coaching Tools App.   

Developed by the PREVENTS Office, the “How We R.E.A.C.H". Coaching Tool includes five actions to take when REACHing out to someone in need or when you are REACHing out for help yourself. While not necessary to be combined with safeTALK training, it provides additional resource information and suggested language to use when starting what are often very difficult conversations.  

When we REACH to those in need, we: 

R – Reach out and ask, “How are you…really?” Listen and offer hope. 

E – Engage them about possible risk factors and changes in their life to better understand their pain. 

A – Attend to their safety. Unless you are concerned about your safety, stay with them. 

C – Connect them to resources such as supportive friends and family, professionals or a crisis line. 

H – Help them make and maintain a plan to stay safe. Encourage them to share it with others.  

When we REACH because we are hurting, we: 

R – Reach to a loved one or someone we trust. Don’t be afraid to reach out – now. 

E –Engage those we trust and discuss life changes and risk factors that are contributing to our pain. 

A –Attend to our safety. Contact someone who can be with us and help us stay safe. 

C – Connect with family, friends or appropriate professionals. Contact a crisis line and be honest so they  can help. 

H – Help others understand how they can help us stay safe. Share a safety plan if we have one.  

REACH is about preventing suicide. The “How We R.E.A.C.H". Coaching Tool Apps teaches us how to REACH to help someone in need and it teaches us how to reach to help ourselves. By learning together, we will prevent suicide. 

Don’t wait to REACH out to someone if you need help. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to talk with trained professionals who can help (1-800-273-8255 press 1 if you are a veteran, service member or family member).