• Jul 16, 2024
  • 1:27 AM

Tracking military and veteran student success — ‘Expand the narrative to job placement’

Service members demobilizing after World War II returned to civilian life and accomplished great things for our nation, their contributions now well known thanks in large part to journalist Tom Brokaw’s 1998 book “The Greatest Generation.”  
The GI Bill adopted after World War II greatly expanded veterans’ access to higher education. They enrolled in massive numbers, and colleges and universities found that student veterans’ resiliency and aspirations more than compensated for their years away from the classroom, thus making education paramount in creating “the greatest generation.”  
Those veterans from World War II bear significant similarities to Post-9/11 veterans. Wars and policies have changed, but today’s veterans share the same resiliency and aspirations. This is specifically true as the comparisons relate to higher education. As a country, the higher education community has seen a significant increase in veterans attending college classes.  
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