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- Nevada Transition Assistance Program (NVTAP)
By George Ann Rice
Attention to those who have served in the military, their spouse as well as spouses of active-duty personnel! You now have a rare opportunity to become a teacher through the UNLV Nevada Forward Initiative.
This State-approved apprenticeship program is being provided at a little to no cost to participants! Eligible participants must have a bachelor’s degree, and it can be in another field than in education. This program would provide you with the opportunity to teach in a K-12 classroom as early as the Fall of 2025!
It is important that participants attend all three interactive webinars in which you will learn about the program and the application process and ask questions. The webinars are:
Approximately 24 hours before each webinar, you will receive the interactive webinar link.
This is indeed an amazing opportunity. Make your plans to attend each webinar.
Also, be on the lookout in the weeks ahead for webinars for those who want to be teachers but do not yet have a bachelor’s degree later this spring!