• Mar 25, 2025
  • 6:29 AM

Veteran Care Resources

Suicide Prevention

Help is available 24/7! Speak with someone right now!

Call 988. Press 1 or for Spanish Press 2

Deaf or Other Hearing Options – (800) 784-2433

Chat by text to 988

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifefine, go HERE

If Imminent threat to self or others – take loved one to an emergency room. Under Legal 2000, this person may be placed under medical observation for evaluation for up to three days or 72 hours.

There are more resources and treatment options below.

Suicide Prevention - Hotlines & Resources

24 Hour Crisis & Emergency/Crisis and Support Hotlines 

Silver State Health Services – (702) 239-1580 – All Ages – Open 24/7 – NO ONE IS DENIED SERVICES

Ayuda En Español (Spanish National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) (888) 628-9454

Crisis Call Center of Nevada (800) 992-5757 (Formerly Crisis Call Center)

Disaster Distress Helpline (800) 985-5990

Nevada211 (Provides Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hotline Info)

Resources in Your Area, NOT a Hotline

Clark County Suicide Prevention Services

City of Las Vegas Suicide Prevention 

City of Henderson Suicide Prevention 

Washoe County Suicide Prevention (Reno Area)

Douglas County Suicide Prevention (Gardnerville-Minden Areas)

Elko County Suicide Prevention

Lethal Means Safety & Suicide Prevention 

Children - Support & Resources

Resources and Support – Children (Experiencing homelessness resources below)

ChildHelp National Child Abuse Hotline (800) 422-4453

Adam's Place (Support for grieving children and families) (702) 202-3891

Children's Mobile Crisis Response Team (Under 18) (702) 486-7865

Clark County Child Protective Services (702) 399-0081

Washoe County Child Protective Services (833) 900-SAFE (7233)

National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline – NOT a government entity, law enforcement, or immigration authority!!! (888) 428-7581

Nevada Sex Trafficking Safe Place Shelters 

Nevada Attorney General's Office Human Trafficking Support

Experiencing Homelessness Resources

The Children's Cabinet (Reno) (775) 856-6200

Eddy House (Reno/Open 24/7) (775) 384-1129

Nevada Youth Empowerment Project (775) 747-2073

Reno Youth Network (Resource Directory)

Nevada Partnership Ending Youth Homelessness in S. NV (Resource Directory)

The Shade Tree (Las Vegas/Open 24/7 ) (Safe Shelter) (702) 385-0072

School Resources 

Clark County School District Mental Health Services

Washoe County School District Mental Health Services 

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors:  https://www.taps.org/youthprograms

Child Mind Institute:  https://childmind.org/resources/

NAMI:  https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults

Domestic Violence, Rape, Abuse - Support & Resources

Support & Resources – Domestic Violence, Rape, Abuse

Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (800) 656-4673

National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233

Rape Crisis Center (702) 366-1640

SafeNest Domestic Violence (702) 646-4981

National Sex and Human Trafficking Hotline (888) 373-7888 or dial 711

Nevada211 (Safe Places and Hotlines)

Safe House (Safe Place for Domestic Abuse Survivors) (702) 564-3227 (Available 24/7)

Domestic Violence Safe Shelter in Washoe County (Reno/Sparks/Carson City Areas)

Harbor House – Safe Shelter in Elko (815) 932-5800

Mesquite Safe Shelter and 24/7 Hotline (702) 346-5244 or (800) 799-7233

Nevada Safe Shelter Directory

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning - Support & Resources

Support & Resources – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning 

TREVOR Project (For Youth) (866)488-7386

Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860

Parents, Families, Friends, and Allies United with LGBTQ People (PFLAG) https://pflag.org/

Our Center:  https://ourcenterreno.org/

Centerlink the Community of LGBTQ+ Centers:  https://www.lgbtqcenters.org/

The Center – Serving the LGBTQ Community of Nevada:  https://thecenterlv.org/

AFSP LGBTQ crisis and support resources:  https://afsp.org/lgbtq-crisis-and-support-resources/

Las Vegas Resources:  https://gaylasvegas.com/lasvegas/resources/

Crisis Support Services of Nevada  https://cssnv.org/crisis-support-resources/lgbtq/

Digital LGBTQ+ Resources & Educational Counseling Degree Guide: https://www.counselingdegreeguide.org/resources/lgbtq-allies-mental-health/

Caregivers - Support & Resources

VA Caregiver Support Program, go HERE

(Offering well-bring and clinical services to caregivers of eligible and covered veterans enrolled in the VA System

Reno VA (775) 326-5775  https://www.va.gov/sierra-nevada-health-care/health-services/caregiver-support/

Las Vegas VA (702) 791-9000, ext. 13051  https://www.va.gov/southern-nevada-health-care/health-services/caregiver-support/

Salt Lake City VA (801) 582-1565, ext. 4165  https://www.va.gov/salt-lake-city-health-care/health-services/caregiver-support/

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:  https://www.hhs.gov/programs/providers-and-facilities/resources-for-caregivers/index.html

Nevada Caregivers:  https://nevadafund.org/community/caregiver-support

AARP: https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/

Administration for Community Living:  National Family Caregiver Support Program https://acl.gov/programs/support-caregivers/national-family-caregiver-support-program

Nevada Care Connection:  https://www.nevadacareconnection.org/care-options/types-of-services/veterans-services/

Military One Source:  https://www.militaryonesource.mil/special-needs/family-support/caregiver-support-resources-for-you-and-your-loved-one/

Lyon County – Caregiver Support Services:  https://www.lyon-county.org/1032/Caregiver-Support-Services

Nami Family Members and Caregivers:  https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Family-Members-and-Caregivers

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors:  https://www.taps.org/caregroups

Survivors - Support & Resources

Losing a loved one to suicide is difficult and can come with a lot of complicated emotions. There is support available to help survivors of suicide loss like you, your friends and family cope with the loss.

More info HERE 

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

How to Talk to a Child about a Suicide Attempt in Your Family (Rocky Mountain MIRECC) 

American Association of Suicidology: attempt survivors & Loss Survivors 

Nevada Hospitals & Health Care Facilities

Southern Nevada Hospitals/Treatment Centers

  • Desert Willow Treatment Center: (702) 486-8900
  • Desert Parkway: (702) 776-3500
  • Desert Winds Hospital: (702) 522-7922
  • Pavilion at Southern Hills Hospital: (702) 916-5100
  • Seven Hills Hospital: (702) 646-5000
  • Spring Mountain Treatment Center: (702) 873-2400
  • Westcare: (702) 385-3330
  • Westcare Triage Center: (702) 383-4044

Northern Nevada Hospitals/Treatment Centers:

Sierra Wellness Center (775) 352-7200

New Dawn Treatment Center (775) 964-4898

Reno Behavioral Healthcare Hospital:  (775) 393-2200

Vitality Unlimited Vitality Integrated Programs

Outpatient Services

Carson City (775) 461-0025

Dayton (775) 241-9442

Reno (775) 322-3668

Vitality Unlimited Vitality Integrated Programs

24/7/365 Crisis Numbers

Carson City (775) 461-0025

Dayton (775) 241-9442

Reno (775) 322-3668


Rural Hospitals/Treatment Centers:

Vitality Unlimited Vitality Integrated Programs

Outpatient Services

Elko (775) 777-8477

Vitality Unlimited Vitality Integrated Programs

24/7/365 Crisis Numbers

Elko Area- (775) 777-8477

Kairos Recovery:  (Elko) 775-934-3090

VA Health Care

All VA systems offer inpatient care, 24/7 emergency care, and a wide variety of services to meet the needs of our nation’s veterans.

VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System

(775) 786-7200 or toll-free (888) 838-6256

Reno, NV  89502

VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System

(702) 791-9000 or toll-free (888) 633-7554

North Las Vegas, NV  89086

VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System

Serving Eastern NV

(801) 582-1565 or toll-free (800) 613-4012, select 0

Salt Lake City, UT  84148

VA Caregiver Support Program, go HERE

(Offering well-bring and clinical services to caregivers of eligible and covered veterans enrolled in the VA System

Reno VA (775) 326-5775

Las Vegas VA (702) 791-9000, ext. 13051

Salt Lake City VA (801) 582-1565, ext. 4165

Rural Hospitals/Treatment Centers:

Vitality Unlimited Vitality Integrated Programs:

Outpatient Services- Elko (775) 777-8477

Vitality Unlimited Vitality Integrated Programs

24/7/365 Crisis Numbers- Elko Area- (775) 777-8477

Kairos Recovery:  (Elko) 775-934-3090

Additional Resources:

NAMI Western Nevada:

Laura Yanez, email: laura@namiwesternnevada.org (775) 419-8865

Veteran Crisis Hotline:

Veterans, active service members, and their loved ones can reach the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) 24/7/365 by calling 988 and pressing 1, texting 838255 or chatting

Mental Health - Support & Resources

Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention, go HERE

Lethal Means Safety & Suicide Prevention, go HERE

Suicide Prevention Risk Factors, go HERE (add the Risk Factors from card)

Protective Suicide Prevention Factors, go HERE (Add Protective Factors from card)


Join Together Northern Nevada

Child Mind Institute

Center for Disease Control & Prevention

Crisis Support Services of Nevada



Substance Abuse - Support & Resources

Substance Abuse Support and Resources 

Alcoholics Anonymous

Nevada Narcotics Anonymous Resource Locator 

  • Carson City Narcotics Anonymous (844) 374-1230
  • Reno Narcotics Anonymous (844) 319-1230
  • Fallon Narcotics Anonymous (775) 423-5003
  • Henderson Narcotics Anonymous (702) 369-3362
  • Las Vegas (Region 51) Narcotics Anonymous (888) 495-3222

Gamblers Anonymous of Southern Nevada (702) 529-0202

Nevada Council of Problem Gambling: 

Crisis Line: 1-800-GAMBLER

 Nevada Council on Problem Gambling


Use the resource locator to access meeting throughout Nevada as well as available treatment.

 Professional Treatment (**indicates state funded, no insurance or payment required)


 Support Group Meetings


VA Gambling Treatment- LVR3



Reno Gamblers Anonymous (775) 356-8070

Nevada Council on Problem Gambling Resource Locator 

SAMSA Resources/Partner Tool Kit 

Harm Reduction (Engaging with those who use drugs to create positive change)

New Dawn Treatment Center (775) 964-4898 (Reno)

Spring Mountain Treatment Center:  (702) 322-1919

Miramar Health:  (949) 989-2626


For Healthcare Providers

It’s Important to Ask Your Patients

“Have You or a Loved One Ever Served in the U.S. Armed Forces?”

Military service can involve a wide range of occupational health risks that includes physical injuries, mental health challenges, as well as exposure to substances that are presumed to lead to certain illnesses, and conditions. Prostate cancer, type 2 diabetes, viral hepatitis, and ischemic heart disease are just a few of the many diseases more common among military veterans.

It is Important to Determine Military History

Questions to ask:

  • Have you ever served in the military?
  • When did you serve?
  • Which branch?
  • What did you do while you were in the military?
  • Were you assigned to a hostile or combative area?
  • Did you experience enemy fire, see combat or witness casualties?
  • Were you wounded, injured, or hospitalized?
  • Did you participate in any experimental projects or tests?
  • Were you exposed to noise, chemicals, gases, demolition of munitions, pesticides or other hazardous substances?

Have you ever used the VA for health care?

  • When was your last visit to the VA?
  • Do you have a service-connected disability or condition?
  • Do you have a claim pending? If so, what is the nature of the claim?
  • Do you have a VA primary care provider?

Do you have a safe place to go when you leave today?

  • Do you need assistance in caring for yourself or members of your household?

General Areas of Concern for All Veterans

Post-Traumatic Stress
Have you ever experienced:

  • A traumatic or stressful event which caused you to believe your life or the lives of those around you were in danger?
  • Trauma-related thoughts or feelings?
  • Nightmares, vivid memories, or flashbacks of the event?
  • Feeling anxious, jittery, watchful, or easily startled?
  • A sense of panic that something bad is about to happen?
  • Feeling numb or detached from others?
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating?

Military Sexual Trauma

  • During military service did you receive uninvited or unwanted sexual attention, such as touching, pressure for sexual favors or sexual remarks?
  • Did anyone ever use force or threat of force to have sexual contact with you against your will?
  • Did you report the incidents to your command and/or military or civilian authorities? Is this an on-going problem?
  • Would you like some help with this?

Blast Concussions/Traumatic Brain Injury

  • During your service, did you experience:
  • heavy artillery fire, vehicular or aircraft accidents; explosions (improvised explosive devices, rocket-propelled grenades, land mines, grenades); or fragment or bullet wounds above the shoulders?
  • Did you have any of these symptoms immediately afterwards:
  • loss of consciousness or being knocked out; being dazed or seeing stars, not remembering the event, or diagnosis of concussion or head injury?

Common Military Health Risks

  • Radiation Exposure/Nuclear Weapons(WWII: Amchitka, Alaska, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, POW in Japan; Korea; sub-mariners exposed to nasopharyngeal radium treatment; Gulf Wars; Bosnia; Afghanistan): High risk for cancer.
  • Agent Orange Exposure (Korea & Vietnam): High risk for cancers (including respiratory and prostate cancer), chloracne, type 2 diabetes, ischemic heart disease, soft tissue sarcoma, peripheral neuropathy, spina bifida in veterans’ biological children.
  • Camp Lejeune Water Contamination(January 1, 1957–December 31, 1987): Veterans and families stationed at Camp Lejeune exposed to chemical contaminants in the groundwater and wells are at risk for the following cancers (bladder, blood dyscrasia, breast, esophageal, kidney, leukemia, lung, multiple myeloma, myelodysplatic syndromes, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) and conditions (female infertility, hepatic steatosis, miscarriage, renal toxicity, scleroderma).
  • Hepatitis C(Vietnam): Transfusions prior to 1992, battlefield exposures to blood and human fluids, group use of needles, razors, toothbrushes, and other personal items.
  • Exposure to Open Air Burn Pits(Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan): High risk for respiratory illnesses and wide variety of cancers, including leukemia.
  • Gulf War Syndrome(Gulf Wars): Characterized by fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, cognitive impairment and pain, high rates of brain and testicular cancers, and neurodegenerative diseases (ALS,MS).
  • Depleted Uranium(Gulf Wars, Bosnia, Afghanistan): Inhaled or ingested microfine particles (heavy metal toxicity). Risk for respiratory and kidney diseases.
  • Infectious Diseases(Iraq & Afghanistan): Malaria, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, leishmaniasis, TB, rabies resulting from animal bites.


Suicide Risk

Certain observable cues (affective and behavioral) should prompt the clinician to remain alert to the possible presence of suicidal ideation:

  • shame
  • humiliation
  • irrational thinking
  • paranoia
  • agitation
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • irritability
  • despair
  • profound social withdrawal
  • neglecting personal welfare
  • deteriorating physical appearance
  • feeling trapped
  • feeling like there’s no way out
  • feeling that life is not worth living
  • feeling like there is no purpose in life
  • feelings of failure or decreased performance
  • sense of hopelessness or desperation

COLUMBIA SUICIDE SEVERITY RATING SCALE (C-SSRS), go HERE (Place the scale in media library. Add to the scale page: Any YES indicates that someone should seek behavioral healthcare.

However, if the answer to 4,5, or 6 is YES, GET IMMEDIATE HELP. CALL OR TEXT 988!

STAY WITH THEM until they can be evaluated.

Suicide Prevention Training

Online Training & Support

Make the Connection, go HERE

PsychArmor, go HERE

In-Person Training & Support

Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention Trainings, go HERE

CALM – Counseling on Access to Lethal Means Course, go HERE

What Can You Do? Go HERE

Warning Signs, go HERE

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:  https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/factors/index.html


American Association of Suicidology:  https://suicidology.org/military-resources/

AFSP:  https://afsp.org/suicide-prevention-resources/

NAMI:  https://www.nami.org/Your-Journey/Veterans-Active-Duty

Lethal Means Safety Resources