• Feb 22, 2025
  • 12:41 PM

Veteran of the Month and Veteran Supporter of the Month Recipients Honored

Our congratulations go out to the Veteran of the Month (VOM) and Veteran Supporter of the Month (VSM) recipients who were honored in a ceremony in the lobby of the Grant Sawyer Building in Las Vegas last month.  

The Veteran of Month awardees were U.S. Army veteran Lester Sherman, U.S. Marine Corps. veteran Richard “Tony” Marshall, and U.S. Air Force veteran Jerome Adams.  

The Veteran Supporter of the Month recipients were Women Veterans of Nevada and Mark Gorodetzer.  

The VOM and VSM awards recognize the volunteer work that benefits and improves the lives Nevada’s veterans, servicemembers and their families. The recognition provides recipients with the thanks and honor they deserve. The awards also raise awareness about volunteer opportunities available to support or benefit Nevada’s veteran community.  

To nominate a VOM go HERE. To nominate a VSM, go HERE. Young people, under the age 19, may also receive recognition for their volunteer work on behalf of veterans through the Youth Serving Veterans Award (YSVA). To nominate a deserving youth, go HERE