• Feb 24, 2025
  • 12:15 PM

We Need your Participation for Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature

Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature is coming up on Wednesday, March 20th and right now only a half dozen have signed up for the United Veterans Legislative Counsel’s (UVLC) pairing of veterans to lawmakers in both the Senate and Assembly. This portion of Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature is vital in raising awareness of veterans and veterans’ issues to our Nevada lawmakers.

In order to be paired with a lawmaker, you must contact Mitch Roach at 702-690-6145 or by email at mitch.roach@aol.com as soon as possible because the Sergeant at Arms in both the Assembly and Senate create personalized certificates for participating veterans. The deadline to contact Mitch Roach is March 17th. Again, we really need your participation, so please attend and share this email!

During the pairings, the veterans are introduced individually in both houses and concurrent resolutions in support of veterans are passed in both Chambers. This UVLC pairing event happens around 11:00 AM and ends around noon inside the Legislative Building in Carson City. The schedule depends on the activities of the Legislature that day, so please arrive at least 15 minutes early.

Everyone is encouraged to attend all the activities surrounding Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature. The day begins with coffee and networking near the Veterans Memorial Wall, behind the Capitol Building at 8:15 AM.

At 9:00 AM, the Opening Ceremony, also in front of the Veterans Memorial Wall, features Governor Steve Sisolak, Senate Majority Leader, Assembly Speaker and veteran dignitaries. Throughout the day, the National Guard will provide static military displays outside the Legislative Building and vendors will also be on hand.

Finally we encourage you to join us for a FREE lunch, just outside the Legislative Building beginning at noon.  Please go here to save a seat, and give us a head count for the lunch: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2019-veteran-and-military-day-at-the-legislature-tickets-55611536603

We look forward to seeing you there!