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This is your chance to network with women who have served and those who are currently serving.
Saturday, 17 June 2023
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Nellis Masonic Lodge
2200 W Mesquite Ave (located just off Rancho, close to I 95)
Las Vegas, NV
Give Aways *** Drawings *** Bring some cash, $5.00 for 6 tickets
Tea, Hot & Cold *** Tea Sandwiches *** Assorted deserts
Fancy dresses & Hats or Jeans & ball caps, dress so you feel comfortable. No one is judging!
EMAIL: Bobi Oates at boates4616@aol.com for an invitation. First come, first served as there is only room for 200. Come, and also share this invitation!